Forcibly Displaced Myanmar National / Rohingya Refugee Response.
This document gives guidance for medical providers to understand the care of both healthy and COVID suspect or confirmed patients who present for antenatal (ANC), intrapartum (IP), postnatal (PNC), or emergency obstetric and neonatal (EmONC) in the context of caring for the forcibly displaced Myanmar national (FDMN) / Rohingya refugee population.
This brief provides a snapshot of child protection interventions by UNHCR and its partners during the pandemic, covering community engagement, case management, alternative care and capacity building. In addition to working with children and communities, UNHCR also engages with authorities through po...licy advocacy in the context of COVID-19, such as to end immigration detention of children.
Guide for COVID-19 Response in Kenya
In line with the National Mental Health Strategy for Lebanon (2015-2020), this guide answers the objective of the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support task force: “Development and provision of staff care interventions for persons working in the MHPSS and Protection sectors”. It aims at burnout, improving the wellbeing of staff, and managing difficult situations resulting from work conditions.
UNAIDS report on the global AIDS epidemic shows that 2020 targets will not be met because of deeply unequal success; COVID-19 risks blowing HIV progress way off course. Missed targets have resulted in 3.5 million more HIV infections and 820 000 more AIDS-related deaths since 2015 than if the world on track to meet the 2020 targets. In addition, the response could be set back further, by 10 years or more, if the COVID-19 pandemic results in severe disruptions to HIV services.
This guide is intended to support teams working directly with communities during the Covid-19 pandemic. It provides general guidance on community engagement during outbreak responses, including how to support an integrated response, as well as outbreak prevention and response.
While the COVID-19 pandemic threatens all members of society, persons with disabilities are disproportionately impacted due to attitudinal, environmental and institutional barriers that are reproduced in the COVID-19 response.
Das UFOPLAN-Vorhaben ‚Planetare Grenzen – Anforderungen an
die Wissenschaft, Zivilgesellschaft und Politik‘ (FKZ 3714 100 0) setzt an dieser Herausforderung an
und untersucht die Stärken, Schwächen sowie Chancen und Risisken des Konzeptes. Ziel war es, die
Anforderungen, die das Konzept a...n Politik, Wissenschaft, Zivilgesellschaft und Wirtschaft stellt, zu
analysieren und entsprechend konkrete Informationen für die politische Umsetzung des Konzepts bereitzustellen.
Note d’orientation
24 juillet 2020
La pandémie de COVID-19 a touché de façon disproportionnée les personnes âgées, en particulier celles qui vivent dans des établissements de soins de longue durée. Dans de nombreux pays, les données probantes montrent que plus de 40 % des décès associ...és à la COVID-19 ont eu lieu dans des établissements de soins de longue durée, les chiffres pouvant atteindre 80 % dans certains pays à revenu élevé.
A summary of what we know
A Review of Evidence from Africa
Accessed: 21.08.2019
With focus on creating linkages between social cash transfer programmes and HIV services
Accessed: 21.08.2019
One billion people around the world live with disabilities. This report makes the case that they are being “left behind” in the global community’s work on health. This lack of access not only violates the rights of people with disabilities under international law, but UHC and SDG 3 cannot be a...ttained without better health services for the one billion people with disabilities.
The Lab identifies, develops, and launches sustainable finance
instruments that can drive billions to a low-carbon economy. The
2019 Global Lab Cycle targets four specific sectors across
mitigation and adaptation: blue carbon in marine & coastal
ecosystems; sustainable agriculture for in West and
Central Africa; sustainable energy access; and sustainable cities
“Effective Altruism” — What it is, how philanthropic foundations use it and what are its risks and side-effects
For the 24th consecutive year, PAHO has published the report Health Situation in the Americas: Core Indicators featuring the latest information on key indicators for the Region of the Americas. This 2018 edition includes data on the 82 core indicators for the countries, territories, and sub regions ...of the Americas, grouped into the following categories: demographic-socioeconomic, health status, risk factors, service coverage, and health systems. Information is also presented on 22 indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
This briefing paper provides an overview of the approach underlying EA, how and by whom it is applied and its problems and consequences. It concludes that policy makers, rather than be guided by its assumptions and conclusions, must instead concentrate on the confounding structural causes of interdependent global challenges and aim at their long-term solution, within an overarching human rights framework.