SBMFC Recommendations for PHC during the Pandemic of COVID-19 (edition 4)
This document answers questions and gives recommendations so that the Brazilian PHC can quickly receive the best possible scientific synthesis on the current situation of the pandemic of COVID-19
In Control imparts knowledge, provokes reflection and triggers curiosity. The first half of the book provides an overview of the organisations, principles, frameworks and themes that every professional deploying to health emergencies should be aware of. The second half of the book provides practical... advice to help professionals survive and thrive during their mission – from staying healthy, protecting oneself from cyber-attacks and coping with stress to building trust among the host community or dealing with language barriers and the press.
This handbook is free of charge and can be made available in small quantities as long as supply lasts. To order, please send this form to:
Рекомендации, представленные в документе, в значительной степени
базируются на материалах по диагностике, профилактике и лечению COVID19, опубликованных специалист...ми ВОЗ, китайского, американского
и европейского центров по контролю за заболеваемостью, анализе
отечественных и зарубежных научных публикаций, нормативно-правовых
документах Минздрава России и Роспотребнадзора.
Методические рекомендации предназначены для руководителей
медицинских организаций и их структурных подразделений, врачейтерапевтов, врачей общей практики, врачей-инфекционистов, врачейпедиатров, врачей-акушеров-гинекологов, врачей-реаниматологов отделений
интенсивной терапии инфекционных стационаров, врачей
скорой медицинской помощи, а также иных специалистов, работающих
в сфере организации оказания медицинской помощи пациентам с COVID-19.
Результаты исследования «Изучение распространенности коронавирусной инфекции COVID-19 среди инфицированных ВИЧ пациентов вРоссии ивлияния эпидемии коронавирусной... инфекции COVID-19 на оказание медицинской помощипри ВИЧ-инфекции»
This study shows the negative impact that the COVID-19 pandemic is having on access to HIV care in the Russian Federation and shows that people living with HIV in the country are more susceptible to COVID-19 but less likely to seek testing or treatment.
More than a third of people living with HIV who were surveyed reported some impact on HIV services, including about 4% who reported that they had missed taking antiretroviral therapy because they could not get the medicine and nearly 9% who reported that they had missed taking medicine for tuberculosis prevention. However, the majority of respondents (about 70% of people living with HIV) did not experience problems obtaining antiretroviral therapy and about 22% reported that antiretroviral medicines were delivered to their home. More than 900 respondents from 68 regions of the Russian Federation, including people living with HIV and those who are not, were reached by the study.
Recognizing the extent to which the COVID-19 outbreaks affects women and men differently is hugely important. Some preliminary data suggested that more men than women are dying, potentially due to sex-based immunological differences, higher rates of cardiovascular disease for men and lifestyle, such as smoking. However, the experiences and lessons learned from the Zika and Ebola outbreaks and the HIV pandemic demonstrate that robust gender analysis and informed, gender-integrated response are vital to strengthen the access and acceptability of the humanitarian services needed to meet the distinct needs of women and girls, as well as men and boy and LGBTI people.
Recognizing the extent to which the COVID-19 outbreaks affects women and men differently is hugely important. Some preliminary data suggested that more men than women are dying, potentially due to sex-based immunological differences, higher rates of cardiovascular disease for men and lifestyle, such as smoking. However, the experiences and lessons learned from the Zika and Ebola outbreaks and the HIV pandemic demonstrate that robust gender analysis and informed, gender-integrated response are vital to strengthen the access and acceptability of the humanitarian services needed to meet the distinct needs of women and girls, as well as men and boy and LGBTI people.
In March 2020 the IASC Reference Group on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support uniting 57 humanitarian organizations as member issued the Interim Briefing Note Addressing Mental Health and Psychosocial Aspects of COVID-19 Outbreak. This document has proven to be very useful in the response and has... till now been translated in 24 languages. It covers a set of recommended activities as well as messages for different target groups.
The current document is an annex to the Interim Briefing Note and is meant to support the MHPSS operational response within the various sectors of humanitarian work. Approaches and interventions to MHPSS are not confined to one sector, but need to be integrated within many existing sectors and clusters.This document contains a wealth of operational information and practical approaches that can be used for humanitarian programming in health, SGBV, community-based protection, nutrition, camp management and camp coordination.
This checklist is to accompany the full Interim Technical Note on Protection form Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) during COVIID-19 Response.
This experimental study, demonstrated that medical masks and N95 masks remained their blocking efficacy after being steamed on boiling water even for 2 hours, using avian coronavirus of infectious bronchitis virus to mimic SARS-CoV-2. Results demonstrated that three brands of medical masks blocked o...ver 99% viruses in aerosols. The avian coronavirus was completely inactivated after being steamed for 5 minutes.
A growing number of studies and reports are being published on COVID-19 and the pandemic. This project will help decision makers and researchers navigate the research.
It provides an overview of scientific publications on COVID-19 categorized and parsed into more specific subgroups, providing quick... access to specific topic-relevant publications. As a result, the map also identifies research gaps, possibly guiding further research efforts.
They conduct literature searches daily or every other day in PubMed
Bulletin of the World Health Organization; Type: Perspectives
Article ID: BLT.19.24843
Recognizing the extent to which the COVID-19 outbreaks affects women and men differently is hugely important. Some preliminary data suggested that more men than women are dying, potentially due to sex-based immunological differences, higher rates of cardiovascular disease for men and lifestyle, such as smoking. However, the experiences and lessons learned from the Zika and Ebola outbreaks and the HIV pandemic demonstrate that robust gender analysis and informed, gender-integrated response are vital to strengthen the access and acceptability of the humanitarian services needed to meet the distinct needs of women and girls, as well as men and boy and LGBTI people.
Guide technique pour la prise en charge des maladies cardiovasculaires dans le cadre des soins de santé primaires
L’un des principaux défis auxquels fait face le secteur de la santé au Togo est la mise à la disposition des décideurs, des partenaires et du public des données fiables, pertinentes et à temps opportun. Le présent annuaire des statistiques sanitaires a pour objectif, de contribuer à releve...r ce défi, en fournissant des informations de qualité sur le niveau de réalisation des plans d’action et des prestations de santé afin d’apprécier le niveau de performances de la mise en oeuvre des interventions à l’échelle du pays.
Cette publication retrace, sous forme de tableaux et de graphiques, les activités du département de la santé au Togo en 2016. Il s’agit : (i) des ressources en santé, (ii) de l’utilisation des services, (iii) des principales causes de morbidité et de mortalité, (iv) de la situation des maladies prioritaires et (v) des activités préventives et promotionnelles.
SIAPS Technical Report. This report summarizes key accomplishments and lessons learned in implementing SIAPS’ approach to improving IPC practices in four countries: South Africa, Namibia, Jordan, and Ethiopia. All activities address SIAPS’s overall objective to build or enhance national and faci...lity capacity to develop, implement, and monitor IPC programs by focusing on the principles of health systems strengthening.
Plan d’actions de la Politique du Secteur Santé pour la Nutrition 2016-2020 - Plan Exhaustif
Le renforcement des actions de promotion de l’allaitement maternel notamment la mise au sein précoce et l’allaitement maternel exclusif pendant les six premiers mois de vie, constitue est une priorité absolue dans la stratégie de réduction de la mortalité infantile au Bénin. En effet, le l...ait maternel est l’aliment idéal pour les nouveau-nés et les nourrissons. L’allaitement maternel est un puissant rempart contre la diarrhée, les infections respiratoires aiguës et la malnutrition.