Wheelchair Service Training Package - Basic level | The main purpose of the training package is to develop the minimum skills and knowledge required by personnel involved in wheelchair service delivery. An important aim of the training package is to get it integrated into the regular paramedical/reh...abilitation training programs such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, prosthetics and orthotics, rehabilitation nursing. Towards this, WHO is posting the whole training package in the Website for the training institutes and wheelchair service providers. The easiest way to make use of the training package is to download the complete package (requires 3 GB space).
The purpose of the Participant’s Workbook is to develop the skills and knowledge of personnel involved in wheelchair service delivery. The Participant’s Workbook contains exercises which will help to test and develop participants’ knowledge and skills. The Participant’s Workbook contains mat...erial from lectures, slide presentations and the reference manual; it is intended that the participants will keep their copy of the workbook for future reference, if needed.
Minimum standards of home care for older people in Red Cross Red Crescent volunteer-based programming in the Europe Zone
The main purpose of the training package is to develop the minimum skills and knowledge required by personnel involved in wheelchair service delivery. An important aim of the training package is to get it integrated into the regular paramedical/rehabilitation training programs such as physiotherapy,... occupational therapy, prosthetics and orthotics, rehabilitation nursing. Towards this, WHO is posting the whole training package in the Website for the training institutes and wheelchair service providers. The easiest way to make use of the training package is to download the complete package (requires 3 GB space).
special education, culture, psychology, education, policy
Q5: What is the added advantage of doing an electroencephalography (EEG) in people with convulsive epilepsy in non- specialist settings in low and middle income countries?
The Sphere Handbook "Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response" is now available in Haitian Creole.
This translation has been coordinated by Oxfam Canada and funded by the following members of the Policy Action Group on Emergency Response (PAGER Canada): World Vision Canada,... Plan Canada, Oxfam Quebec, Development and Peace, CARE Canada, Canadian Red Cross, Save the Children Canada, Christian Children's Fund of Canada, Mennonite Central Committee of Canada and Adventist Development and Relief Agency of Canada.
MOH clinical practice guidelines
Working with limited resources in armed conflict and other situations of violence. Vol.1