A Handbook to Support Strengthening of Organisational Capacity in Developing Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Materials for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) People in Southern Africa Accessed 7 July 2015
Adapted from Disability Task Force. General protections and inclusion principles of injured persons and people with disabilities
Leishmaniasis is a climate-sensitive disease. Changes in temperature, rainfall, and humidity can have strong impacts on
the sandfly vector, altering their distribution and influencing their survival and population sizes. Increased temperatures shorten vector development time, reduce Leishmania para...site incubation time, and increase vector biting rates, allowing transmission
in areas not previously endemic for the disease. Poor and
marginalized communities will be hit disproportionately harder by
the effects of climate change, and droughts, famines, and floods
can also lead to displacement and migration of immunologically
naive people to areas where leishmaniasis is endemic, posing a
threat of leishmaniasis outbreaks.
This toolkit provides step-by-step guidance to NTD programme managers and partners on how to engage and work collaboratively with the WASH community to improve delivery of water, sanitation and hygien...e services to underserved population affected by many neglected tropical diseases. The toolkit is based on real-life programme experience, which users can match to their needs and local context. It includes a series of tools to help build multisectoral partnerships, mobilize resources, and design, implement and evaluate interventions.
El asesoramiento sobre lactancia materna es una interacción bidireccional entre un/a asesor/a con formación en lactancia
materna y una o varias mujeres embarazadas, madres u otras personas cuidadoras de niños/as menores de dos años
(normalmente). El proceso consiste en escuchar inquietudes, ab...ordar distintas cuestiones, instruir en torno a la lactancia
materna y observar y acompañar el proceso normal de lactancia materna y las dificultades que puede plantear. El propósito
del asesoramiento sobre lactancia materna es empoderar a las mujeres para que la practiquen y fortalecer las prácticas de
cuidados receptivos, respetando en todo momento su situación personal y su voluntadx
The safety of children is a top concern for parents and school authorities in the current mpox outbreak, as those
under 15 face elevated risks, particularly in the hardesthit Northwestern and Eastern regions of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
The ICMR type 1 diabetes guidelines come at a time when the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
has disproportionately affected people with diabetes population, exposing them to a
high risk for severe illness and mortality. Globally, diabetes was responsible for over fourmillion deaths in the year 2019. It was th...e leading cause of end-stage kidney disease, adult-onset blindness and cardiovascular diseases. Further, there was a considerable heterogeneity in the prevalence of complications and deaths associated with diabetes across the countries.
Heart and circulatory diseases is an umbrella term for all diseases of the heart and circulation. It includes everything from conditions that are inherited or that a person is born with, to those that develop later, such as coronary heart disease, atrial fibrillation, heart failure, stroke and vascu...lar dementia.
The World Heart Federation (WHF) is a leading global advocate for stronger legislation and policies regarding cardiovascular disease (CVD) and its risk factors, including raised cholesterol. The present Cholesterol Advocacy Toolkit 2022 provides WHF member organizations with information as well as p...ractical tools to
support cholesterol advocacy at the local and regional levels.
Les directives 2021 de l’European Resuscitation Council (ERC - Conseil Européen de Réanimation) sont fondées sur une série de revues systématiques, sur la revue du champ d'application, et sur les mises à jour des évidences de sciences de l’ILCOR (International Liaison Commitee on Resuscit...ation). Elles présentent les directives les plus récentes, basées sur des données probantes, pour la pratique de la réanimation en Europe. Ces directives portent sur l’épidémiologie de l’arrêt cardiaque, le rôle que jouent les systèmes de secours pour sauver des vies, la réanimation chez l’adulte, tant en réanimation de base, qu'en réanimation avancée, la réanimation dans des circonstances spéciales, les soins postréanimation, les premiers secours, la réanimation néonatale et pédiatrique, l'éthique et l'enseignement.
La pratique infirmière avancée (PIA), telle qu’évoquée dans le présent document, se réfère aux services et
aux interventions de santé renforcés et étendus, assurés par des infirmières qui, grâce à des compétences avancées, influent sur les résultats des soins de santé cliniques ...et dispensent des services de santé directs à la personne, aux familles et aux collectivités (CNA, 2019; Hamric et Tracy, 2019). Une infirmière de pratique avancée (IPA) a acquis, grâce à une formation complémentaire, une base de connaissances spécialisées, des capacités perfectionnées en matière de prise de décision et des compétences cliniques pour une pratique infirmière plus étendue, dont les caractéristiques dépendent du contexte dans lequel elle est accréditée
à exercer ses fonctions (CII, 2008a). L’infirmière clinicienne spécialisée (ICS) et l’infirmière praticienne (IP)
sont les deux catégories d’IPA les plus généralement
Despite high regional demand for vaccines valued at over US$ 1 billion annually, Africa’s vaccine industry provides only 0.1% of global supply. Vaccine inequity and hoarding at the start of the pandemic, which resulted in delays in obtaining COVID-19 doses, stimulated new resolve to address future... supply security. In 2021, the AU set a target to produce and supply more than 60% of the vaccine doses on the continent by 2040.
In the last 18 months alone, more than 30 new African manufacturing projects have been announced and estimates indicate that the African vaccine market across all existing and projected novel products could range between US$ 2.8 billion and US$ 5.6 billion by 2040*, demonstrating the potential for a thriving regional industry to emerge.
The booklet starts with a general overview of how illicit drugs and the environment are linked within the bigger picture of the Sustainable Development Goals, climate change and environmental sustainability. It highlights direct and indirect linkages and gives examples of the significant local and i...ndividual-level impact that drugs can have on the environment. This is followed by a more in-depth overview of the latest scientific evidence for plant-based drugs and for synthetic drugs. For plant-based drugs, for example, this includes an analysis of the relationship between illicit crop cultivation and deforestation. For synthetic drugs, it includes an analysis of waste composition, volumes, and dumping and discharge, as well as the relation with wastewater treatment.
Constituting the fourth part of the World Drug Report 2022, this booklet focuses on the market dynamics of various stimulants – cocaine, amphetamines and “ecstasy” – and of NPS.
The first chapter contains an analysis of the global market for cocaine, starting with a review of cocaine supply..., including trends in the cultivation of coca bush and in the manufacture of and trafficking in cocaine at the global level and in the various regions. An analysis of different eradication strategies is included, as well as of the role of women in the cocaine supply chain. The chapter also presents the latest estimates of and trends in cocaine use, including a brief introduction to the various cocaine consumer products. Finally, it reviews the trends in the use of cocaine and the impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic in different regions
El Ministerio de Salud a través de la Dirección de Salud Mental, con el apoyo técnico de UNICEF, llevó a cabo el presente estudio que mide la presencia de problemas de salud mental en niñez y adolescencia y los principales factores asociados, en el contexto de la COVID-19. El estudio fue real...izado por un grupo de profesionales expertos en investigación, epidemiologia, salud mental y psiquiatría infanto-juvenil, los datos se recogieron durante los meses de octubre y noviembre del 2020.