O currículo irá ajudá-lo, a si e à sua comunidade, a compreender a ciência do vírus que causa a COVID-19 e outros vírus como este. Ajudá-lo-á a descobrir como este vírus o está a afectar ou a afectar ou poderá vir a afectá-lo no futuro. Ajudá-lo-á a compreender as acções que pode to...mar para se manter a si e à sua comunidade em segurança.
Because, in the face of crises and emergencies, it is vital to include a human rights perspective in responses. Vulnerable groups face major obstacles to accessing and benefiting from prevention, mitigation, and health care policies due to structural barriers of inequality. To offer... guidelines to the countries of the Americas for crafting and implementing inclusive and accessible, human rights-based responses to a pandemic that is unprecedented in the region and in the world as a whole.
Nos enfrentamos a la mayor desaceleración económica de la que se tenga memoria. El sistema humanitario se está preparando para un drástico aumento de los conflictos, la inseguridad alimentaria y la pobreza a medida que las economías se contraen y desaparecen los ingresos por exportaciones, las ...remesas y el turismo.
Los confinamientos y la recesión económica pueden significar una pandemia de hambre para millones de personas.
The Venezuelan refugee and migrant crisis is one of the biggest external displacement crises in the world today. The COVID-19 pandemic has compounded an already desperate situation for many refugees and migrants, as well as their hosts, sorely testing health and social welfare systems and the abilit...y of countries to assist the vulnerable population.
The global COVID-19 pandemic has led to unprecedented levels of disruption to education, impacting over 90% of the world’s student population: 1.54 billion children, including 743 million girls. School closures and the wider socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 on communities and society also disrup...t children’s and young people’s normal support systems, leaving them more vulnerable to illnesses and child protection risks such as physical and humiliating punishment, sexual and gender-based violence, child marriage, child labour, child trafficking and recruitment and use in armed conflict. Girls and other marginalised groups, particularly those in displaced settings, are particularly affected.
Une liste de 40 questions clés visant à aider les gouvernements à veiller au respect des droits humains dans leurs réponses à la pandémie
This technical brief was developed by the UNFPA Global Ageing Network to complement the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs' (UN DESA) Issue Brief: Older Persons and COVID-19, which emphasized the humanitarian imperative of addressing older persons' specific needs within preparedness and re...sponse to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Guinea’s 450 megawatt Souapiti dam, scheduled to begin operating in September 2020, is the most advanced of several new hydropower projects planned by the government of President Alpha Condé. Guinea’s government believes that hydropower can significantly increase access to electricity in a cou...ntry where only a fraction of people have reliable access to power.Souapiti’s output, however, has a human cost. The dam’s reservoir will ultimately displace an estimated 16,000 people from 101 villages and hamlets. The Guinean government had moved 51 villages by the end of 2019 and said it planned to conduct the remaining resettlements within a year. Forced off their ancestral homes and farmlands, and with much of their land already, or soon to be flooded, displaced communities are struggling to feed their families, restore their livelihoods, and live with dignity.
Afghanistan has one of the largest populations per capita of persons with disabilities in the world. At least one in five Afghan households includes an adult or child with a serious physical, sensory, intellectual, or psychosocial disability. More than 40 years of war have left more than one million... Afghans with amputated limbs and other mobility, visual, or hearing disabilities. Many Afghans have psychosocial disabilities (mental health conditions) such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress, which are often a direct result of the protracted conflict. Other Afghans have pre-existing disabilities not directly related to the conflict, such as those caused by polio.
The COVID-19 pandemic is causing untold fear and suffering for older people across the world. As of 26 April, the virus itself has already taken the lives of some 193,710 people, and fatality rates for those over 80 years of age is five times the global average. As the virus spreads rapidly to devel...oping countries, likely overwhelming health and social protection systems, the mortality rate for older persons could climb even higher.
Less visible but no less worrisome are the broader effects: health care denied for conditions unrelated to COVID-19; neglect and abuse in institutions and care facilities; an increase in poverty and unemployment; the dramatic impact on well-being and mental health; and the trauma of stigma and discrimination.
The “United Nations Framework for the immediate socio-economic response to COVID-19: Shared responsibility, global solidarity and urgent action for people in need” calls for protecting jobs, businesses and livelihoods to set in motion a safe recovery of societies and economies as soon as possibl...e for a more sustainable, gender-equal, and carbon-neutral path—better than the “old normal”.
While the COVID-19 pandemic threatens all members of society, persons with disabilities are disproportionately impacted due to attitudinal, environmental and institutional barriers that are reproduced in the COVID-19 response.
Der Artikel "Händedesinfektion unter den Bedingungen der SARS-CoV-2-Pandemie" war am 4.5.2020 online vorab erschienen und ist nun in der regulären Ausgabe des Epidemiologischen Bulletins 19/2020 zu finden.
Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung im öffentlichen Raum als weitere Komponente zur Reduktion der Übertragungen von COVID-19. Strategieergänzungen zu empfohlenen Schutzmaßnahmen und Zielen (3. Update) Das RKI empfiehlt ein generelles Tragen einer Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung (MNB) in bestimmten Situationen im öffentl...ichen Raum als einen weiteren Baustein, um Risikogruppen zu schützen und den Infektionsdruck und damit die Ausbreitungsgeschwindigkeit von COVID-19 in der Bevölkerung zu reduzieren. Diese Empfehlung beruht auf einer Neubewertung aufgrund der zunehmenden Evidenz, dass ein hoher Anteil von Übertragungen unbemerkt erfolgt, und zwar bereits vor dem Auftreten von Krankheitssymptomen. Ziel des im Epidemiologischen Bulletin 19/2020 veröffentlichten Artikels ist es, eine kurze Übersicht zum fachlichen Hintergrund der Empfehlung zu geben und zu erläutern, welche Dinge hierbei zu berücksichtigen sind.
Bei vielen schwer erkrankten Menschen muss mit einer im Verhältnis zu anderen schweren ARE längeren Behandlung mit Beatmung/zusätzlichem Saürstoffbedarf gerechnet werden. Da weder eine Impfung noch eine spezifische Therapie derzeit zur Verfügung stehen, müssen alle Massnahmen darauf ausgericht...et sein, die Verbreitung der Erkrankung so gut wie möglich zu verlangsamen. Es gibt 3 Komponenten: A) Verhinderung der Ausbreitung durch Fallfindung und Absonderung von engen Kontaktpersonen, B) soziale Distanz schaffen und C) gezielter Schutz von vulnerablen Gruppen, die aktiviert und intensiviert werden müssen ent-sprechend der jeweils aktuellen Lage
The spread of COVID-19 poses a challenge for emerging markets such as those in Africa and Latin America. While governments around the world are suffering from a shortage of ventilators, hospital beds, and personal protective equipment, availability of these items is already extremely limited in some... countries. In Africa, countries including Mali, Liberia, and Burkina Faso have only a few ventilators available to aid their populations, and there is also a lack of reliable oxygen supplies, ICUs, and healthcare workers to treat the sick. Additionally, many countries in Africa are already suffering from food insecurity and weak economies, which will worsen the long-term effects of coronavirus.
Keeping these factors in mind, GeoPoll conducted a remote study in 12 countries in sub-Saharan Africa on the effects coronavirus is already having on people throughout the region.
Reusing a legacy interactive audio instruction (IAI) program to provide education in a humanitarian crisis is a quick solution and a smart use of previous investments (“Learning in the Time of Ebola”). This article highlights and advises on the issues that relate to adapting and updating previou...sly developed IAI programs, including how to orient current audiences to listen and learn in new ways.
These communication tools are available to share and print in helping prevent the spread of COVID‑19. Feel free to display and/or distribute on social media to communicate key information to the public about COVID‑19. On Twitter please tag @Amref_Worldwide when posting graphics from our COVID‑...19 social media toolkit.
La pandémie actuelle de COVID-19 entraîne des difficultés exceptionnelles et sans précédent pour les autorités compétentesa responsables des systèmes nationaux decontrôle de la sécurité sanitaire des alimentsb, qui sont tenues de continuer à assurer des fonct...ions et des activités de routine en se conformant aux règlements nationaux et aux recommandations internationales. Dans de nombreux pays, le personnel employé par les autorités compétentes travaille généralement à domicile car le télétravail est devenu la norme et toutes les réunions en présentiel sont annulées ou sont réorganisées sous forme de téléconférence. Il est difficile de maintenir, sans interruption, les activités de routine telles que l’inspection des entreprises du secteur alimentaire, la certification des exportations, le contrôle des denrées alimentaires importées, le suivi et la surveillance de la sécurité de la chaîne d’approvisionnement alimentaire, l’échantillonnage et l’analyse des aliments, la gestion des incidents alimentaires, les conseils sur la sécurité sanitaire des aliments et la réglementation relative aux denrées alimentaires à l’intention de l’industrie et la communication au grand public sur les questions relatives à la sécurité sanitaire des aliments.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to threaten health and food systems around the world, the 2020 Global Nutrition Report calls on governments, businesses and civil society to step up efforts to address malnutrition in all its forms.