It is essential that all people, including people living with HIV, are able to access health services and ongoing treatment. If people living with HIV who are on ART stop abruptly because they cannot access new supplies they could rapidly become unwell, drug resistance may build and the chances of o...nward transmission of the virus would increase.
Supplement to the Healthcare Waste Management Toolkit for Global Fund
Practitioners and Policy Makers
Conceived as part of the CWS-A/P project on regional security and risk management, this book presents a
collection of testimonies from aid workers in some of the most insecure and volatile environments in the world.
The participants recount a broad array of security incidents, such as kidnappings,... suicide bombings, mob
violence, road ambushes, and point-blank range shootings. Their narrative provides valuable information on
how organizations can manage security risks and streamline safety policies.
Co-trimoxazole is a fixed-dose combination of two antimicrobial drugs (sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim) that covers a variety of bacterial, fungal and protozoan infections. Co-trimoxazole preventive therapy is a feasible, well tolerated and inexpensive intervention for people living with HIV to re...duce HIV-related morbidity and mortality. Further, co-trimoxazole is an off-patent drug and widely available in resource-limited settings.
Guidelines on post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV and the use of co-trimoxazole prophylaxis for HIV-related infections among adults, adolescents, and children: recommendations for a public health approach : December 2014 supplement to the 2013 Consolidated guidelines on the use of antiretroviral drugs... for treating and preventing HIV infection.
Reach the Unreached - FIND, TREAT, CURE TB, SAVE LIVES
Operational Guidelines. Revised Edition