Les enfants malnutris courent trois fois plus de risque de mourir du choléra
Alors qu'une grande partie du pays est confrontée à une insécurité alimentaire croissante, les enfants souffrant de malnutrition aiguë ont un système immunitaire affaibli et courent au moins trois fois plus de ris...ques de mourir s'ils contractent le choléra, renforçant davantage la nécessité d'une action urgente pour contenir la maladie. Depuis que le choléra a été signalé pour la première fois le 2 octobre 2022, il y a eu 22 décès enregistrés dans les institutions sanitaires
A guide to management in Primary Health Care. A practical, instructive training guide that has proven its capacity to improve the managerial skills of middle-level health workers responsible for the management or supervision of health services. Presented as an activity-centered working guide, the bo...ok uses numerous questionnaires, exercises, practical examples, illustrations, charts, and sample forms to help readers relate advice and suggestions to their own daily problems. Emphasis is placed on ways to improve the management of health services provided by full-time, qualified staff. The guide features 18 chapters presented in four main parts, any one of which can be studied separately or as part of the whole, according to individual learning needs.
Visión de conjunto:
El ciclo de transmisión
Teniasis. Las tenias viven en los intestinos de las personas infectadas. Los huevos de la tenia se liberan con las heces. Si se defeca al aire libre, se puede contaminar el ambiente (incluyendo los vegetales y el agua). Cisticercosis humana. La inges...tión de huevos de la tenia (debido a una mala higiene después de ir al baño o al consumir alimentos o agua contaminados), resulta en quistes del parásito principalmente en el cerebro (causando convulsiones y epilepsia). Cisticercosis porcina. Los cerdos que ingieren huevos de tenia (presentes en las heces o en el medio ambiente) desarrollan quistes del parásito, principalmente en los músculos (carne). La carne infectada contiene quistes del parásito, que no siempre son fáciles de ver. Comer carne de cerdo infectada cruda o poco cocinada hará que las personas desarrollen tenias.
Las medidas de prevención y control
Tratar la infección por teniasis con medicamentos indicados por el personal de salud. Lavarse las manos con agua y jabón después de ir al baño. Lavar bien las verduras o cocinarlas antes de comerlas. Utilizar los baños o letrinas para evitar infectar el ambiente, los cerdos y otras personas. Mantener a los cerdos en corrales para evitar que se infecten. Vacunar y tratar a los cerdos para prevenir la infección. La inspección de la carne puede identificar a los cerdos altamente infectados. Cocinar bien la carne de cerdo (no debe verse el color rosa) para matar el parásito.
In September 2021, the UN and its partners presented a response plan to mitigate the impact of the water crisis in northern and north-east Syria which requested US$200 million to assist up to 3.4 million of the over five million people estimated to be affected by the water crisis in northern Syria b...etween September 2021 and February 2022. Under the auspices of the 2022-2023 Syria Humanitarian Response Plan, this updated water response plan presents the most recent needs based on latest forecasts and is a continuation of the earlier plan presented in 2021. It covers the needs from all response modalities/areas1 for Syria, aims to assist 5 million people until December 2022 and requests $226.2 million.
Infographic: Preventing and controlling neglected parasitic zoonoses: a key role for the animal health sector
How to prevent the pork tapeworm? A neglected parasitic infection caused by Taenia solium - A neglected parasitic infection caused by Taenia solium. Available in different languages
Global Health Science and Practice February 2022, https://doi.org/10.9745/GHSP-D-21-00237
Key Findings: Exposure to vaccination information from faith leaders and health facilities was associated with increased likelihood of vaccination uptake. The significant association between exposure to a... greater number of immunization information sources and increased likelihood of vaccination uptake reinforces the need for multiple sources to provide consistent and accurate immunization information to facilitate positive vaccination behavior.
Key Implications: Social and behavior change communication interventions may optimize the promotion of immunization services through multiple information sources such as health facilities and community-based assets including faith leaders and lay community health workers. Religion and faith play an important role in how people understand health and make health decisions. In Sierra Leone and other similar settings, interventions to improve uptake of immunization services may be enhanced by proactively engaging faith leaders.
Here you can download differtent films for community health in various languages
Since the emergence of COVID 19 in December 2019, various public health responses measures have been implemented to control the pandemic. Among measures taken by the Africa CDC was the launch of PACT initiative to accelerate COVID 19 testing. Key to the initiative is the engagement of Community Heal...th Workers (CHWs) in risk communication and community engagement (RCCE), surveillance activities for early case identification, contacts tracing and in facilitating referrals for testing and continuum of care.
As of 31 May 2021, Through PACT support, over 17154 CHWs have been trained and locally deployed in 24 AU Member states. The PACT supported CHWs visited more than 2,568,654 households for community engagement activities, active case search and contact tracing, identified 1,618,601 Contacts, 710,167 COVID 19 suspect cases based on the standard case definition and facilitated referrals for 553053 (78%) suspect cases for testing. These efforts were crucial for early identification and isolation of cases in limiting further transmission.
Когда возникают ситуации, при которых нежелательные явления справедливо или ошибочно связывают с вакцинацией, они могут подорвать доверие к вакцинам и официальны...м органам, осуществляющим их введение. Этот документ предоставляет научные данные, помимо рекомендаций ВОЗ, относительно создания и восстановления доверия к вакцинам и вакцинации как в процессе осуществления работы, так и в период кризисных ситуаций. Данные привлекают внимание к широкому набору научных лабораторных фактов и фактам, полученным при полевых работах в области психологии и коммуникаций. Он рассматривает, как люди принимают решения по поводу вакцинации; почему некоторые лица не доверяют вакцинации; и факторы, которые вызывают критические ситуации, уделяя внимание тому, как создавать доверие, слушать и понимать людей, создавать взаимоотношения, сообщать о рисках и формировать сообщения для аудитории, что может смягчать кризисные ситуации. Этот документ предоставляет базисные знания заинтересованным сторонам, которые разрабатывают коммуникационные стратегии или содействуют проведению семинаров по коммуникациям и деятельности по созданию доверия в связи с вакцинами и иммунизацией, таким как подразделения программы иммунизации, министры здравоохранения, подразделения по связи с общественностью и укреплению здоровья, преподаватели по коммуникации относительно безопасности вакцин и консультативные органы по иммунизации
Community health workers (CHWs) serve as a very important direct link between patients, communities and health services. As trusted on-the-ground support to community members, they therefore expand access to essential healthcare information as well as available treatment and prevention programmes.
This course book provides appropriate, cost-effective, and sustainable targeted learning for the large numbers of emerging community health workers in South Africa.
Challenged by the health emergency, Primary Health Care (PHC) professionals remodeled their work processes and realized that many of the innovations implemented in an emergency manner to respond to the pandemic of COVID are here to stay. The initiative APS Forte no SUS - no combate à pandemia de CO...VID-19 gathered experiences from all over the country, executed by engaged health workers who, despite the difficulties imposed by the new disease, fight daily to improve the offer and care in health in the Unified Health System (SUS). With the help of digital technologies, teams and professionals of the Family Health Strategy overcome daily one of the main challenges of APS in this pandemic: ensuring access to health services. Digital tools gain strength in the agenda for strengthening the SUS, so well represented in this initiative.
This document facilitate the preparation of a risk communication and community engagement strategy for vaccination against COVID-19. Its goal is to help to strengthen the communication and planning capacities of the ministries or secretariats of health and other agencies in charge of communicating ...about new COVID-19 vaccines in the Americas.
Available in English, Spanish and Portuguese
A module from the suite of health service capacity assessments in the context of the COVID-19 pandemicINTERIM GUIDANCE5 February2021
The Community needs, perceptions and demand: community assessment toolcan be used by countries to conduct a rapid pulse survey of community health needs and perceptio...ns around effective use of essential health services during the COVID-19 outbreak. The assessment helps to establish an early warning system on the need to implement coping strategies to continue to respond to communities’ health needs throughout the course of the pandemic. This assessment tool is informed by WHO and partner tools and guidance on community health needs, continuity of essential health services and readiness planning for COVID-19
SBMFC Recommendations for PHC during the Pandemic of COVID-19 (edition 4)
This document answers questions and gives recommendations so that the Brazilian PHC can quickly receive the best possible scientific synthesis on the current situation of the pandemic of COVID-19
Contact tracing is a key element of WHO’s recommended approach to control the spread of COVID-19 by breaking the chains of human-to-human transmission.
This document provides guidance to health authorities at all levels to improve the success rate of contact tracing by informing efforts with RCCE... principles, evidence and activities, and provides ready-to-use tools for professionals involved in contact-tracing efforts to inform their practices with RCCE principles and likewise improve their success rate.
Nurses play a key role in the provision of primary health care (PHC) and the coordination and organization of medical care overall. Nurses are often the first point of contact with the health system and have an important role to play in leaving no one behind.
Large-scale reform of PHC in Uk...raine started in 2018, and evolving and expanding practices have led to new challenges for both medical facilities and staff. It has become critically important to initiate new practices in the organization of the nursing profession, to adapt and increase their competencies, invest in skills development and create more nursing posts.