Recommended actions at international and national levels
Made under Section 5 (c) of the Tanzania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 2003 | Second Edition
4th edition. This is fourth edition of Treatment of tuberculosis: guidelines, adhering fully to the new WHO process for evidence-based guidelines. Several important recommendations are being promoted in this new edition
Specific Objectives
• To increase the knowledge and awareness of personnel on chemical management.
• To educate the personnel on the potential adverse health effects of chemical exposure.
• To educate the personnel on the existing laws pertaining to handling of hazardous
• To... promote safe and healthy work practices among personnel during chemical handling.
• To guide the personnel on transportation, storage and disposal of hazardous chemicals.
Second Generation, WHO Country Cooperation Strategy, 2010–2015, Namibia
The review’s objectives are to review progress in TB control with emphasis on DOTS strategy implementation, summarize the experience, lessons learnt and methods of work and to make recommendations for international donors, technical agencies and the Ministry of Health.
Towards Malaria Elimination
Usage Guidelines
Junior and Senior Secondary
To improve survival and quality of life among the 2.5 million children living with HIV, a comprehensive package of prevention, care and treatment is required. This package should include management of infections such as pneumonia, diarrhoea, malaria and ear infections, as well as common opportunisti...c infections and HIV-related co-morbidities. WHO is developing a series of guidelines on each of these conditions, following the GRADE approach. The document on the management of pneumonia and diarrhoea in HIV-infected infants and children is the first of this series. The recommendations are similar to those for non infected children, but they cover specific aspects related to HIV infection.