This manual was designed to support the GRN-UNICEF Youth Health and Development Programme with the aim of sustaining My Future is My Choice graduates and other young people’s peer education activities. It was written and reviewed in a three-day workshop in November 1999 and in the following weeks ...with assistance from participating organizations including AIDS Care Trust, Catholic AIDS Action, Ella Du Plessis High School AIDS Awareness Club, the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation, NACAMA, the National Youth Council of Namibia, PEDI/PECP, Polytechnic of Namibia, the University of Namibia and UNICEF. It was revised by Jennifer Lentfer of the Youth Health and Development Program of UNICEF Namibia in July of 2001.
Esta publicación hace eco de la obra titulada Administración sanitaria de emergencia
con posterioridad a los desastres naturales (Publicación Científica No. 407) editada en
1981, pero es un libro totalmente nuevo, de organización reciente y con mucho material original. Esboza la función que... desempeña el sector salud en la reducción del efecto de los desastres y describe la manera de realizar esa tarea. Estas pautas tienen por fin presentar un marco seguro para que los administradores adopten decisiones acertadas para la gestión de actividades del sector salud destinadas a menguar las consecuencias de los desastres. No se han formulado con la intención de abordar todas las situaciones imprevistas. De hecho, quizá sea preciso adaptar algunos de los procedimientos recomendados para atender ciertas necesidades locales.
Towards the Peoples Health Assembly Book -4
Towards the Peoples Health Assembly Book - 4
Disaster Preparedness Training Programme
Disinfect Reusable Supplies and Equipment
Important Guideline for Ebola prevention and control
It is designed for the following uses:
- for prevention through preparedness--to help African health facilities make advance preparations for responding with appropriate precautions when a VHF (including Ebola) case is suspected.
- for pl...anning and conducting in-service training to strengthen standard precautions and VHF isolation precautions.
- as a rapid reference when a VHF (i.e. Ebola) case appears at a health facility where no previous VHF preparations have been made.
Non-Wood Forest Products 11
Traditional medicine and its use of medicinal plants is dependent on reliable supply of plant materials. The book focuses on the interface between medicinal plant use and conservation of medicinal plants.
Drug Distribution and Control: Preparation and Handling
This Technical Assistance Bulletin is intended to assist pharmacists in the extemporaneous compounding of non-sterile drug products for individual patients. Included in this document is information on facilities and equipment, ingredient... selection, training, documentation and record keeping, stability and beyond-use dating, packaging and labeling, and limited batch compounding. This document is not intended for manufacturers or licensed repackagers.
Translation provided of the German Asylum Procedure Act (Asylverfahrensgesetz) by the Language Service of the Federal Ministry of the Interior. The translation includes the amendment(s) to the Act by Article 2 of the Act of
23.12.2014 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 2439). BEWARE: This version does no...t include the amendment of Nov. 2011! To compare with the current status of the German version, see