DIAGNOSING PTSD IN CHILDHOOD | The following literature review addresses the developmental and domain-specific consequences of previous and current diagnostic criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in pre-adolescent children. PTSD was introduced in 1980 to capture extreme responses follow...ing a traumatic event. I analyze the evolution of the disorder’s diagnostic criteria toward a more developmentally conscious structure. I also examine instances in which these criteria lack developmental consistency: (1) preschool PTSD is the only diagnostic subtype despite the fact that childhood development also differentiates traumatic expressions in older children from adolescents and adults; and (2) many of the PTSD epidemiological data that have been reanalyzed under the most recent (DSM-5) typology only refer to adolescent and adult samples although many researchers have
demonstrated that developmental alterations to DSM-IV and DSM-IV-TR criteria produce significantly higher prevalence rates in children.
Journal des anthropologues n° 138-139, 2014
Le médicament pharmaceutique industriel est un objet de santé
à la fois scientifique, populaire et marchand. Si ces deux premiers
caractères sont souvent mis en avant respectivement par les sciences
biom...édicales et pharmaceutiques, par la santé publique ainsi qu’à
travers les médias, sa troisième composante est plus souvent passée
sous silence. Elle tend à être dissimulée derrière ce qui est présenté
comme la vocation première du médicament, à savoir la santé des
individus, leur bien-être physique et psychique. Or, le caractère
marchand du médicament est un formidable vecteur de dynamiques
et d’initiatives. Il est peut-être ce qui explique avant tout
l’incroyable vitalité du secteur pharmaceutique de par la planète,
non sans poser de nombreux problèmes d’ordre sanitaire et de santé
Reflections from disability research using the ICF in Afghanistan and Cambodia | Working Paper Series: No. 11
These country reports provide information on the legal situation for displaced populations, namely asylum seekers, refugees, and returnees, where relevant, regarding access to mobile services, in each country covered
Mounting an effective international humanitarian response to a chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear (CBRN) event, especially if the response is undertaken on an ad hoc basis, would be extremely difficult and would pose many risks to the responders. The International Committee of the Red Cro...ss (ICRC) has created a competency-based capacity to respond to at least small-scale CBRN events, including a deployable capability to undertake operational activities. This involves informed assessments of CBRN risks, timely and competent decisions on how to respond, and effectively mobilizing appropriate resources to implement these decisions, through the creation of an emergency roster. In addition to the acquisition of technical expertise and material resources, the creation of such capacity requires the application of central processes, ensuring systematic management of CBRN response (including risk-based decision-making), standing operational procedures, and availability of and access to the necessary resources. Implementation of the ICRC's CBRN response framework as described in this article should be considered by any agency or other stakeholder preparing for international humanitarian assistance in CBRN events – especially if such events are related to armed conflict.
World Drug Report 2018
Chapter H.4
2015 edition
Chapter J.4
GOVERNMENT NOTICE | No. 192 Promulgation of Medicines and Related Substances Control Act, 2003 (Act No. 13 of 2003), of the Parliament
WHO/ESCAP Training Manual on Disability Statistics | This training manual intends to enhance the understanding of the ICF-based approach to disability measurement. It provides an overview of the ICF framework as well as guidelines on how to operationalize the underlying concepts of functioning and ...disability into data collection, dissemination and analysis.
Unite for Children
First Edition
In disaster preparedness, the participation of women, children, older people, persons with disabilities (PWDs), and other minority groups and sectors is important because they are the most vulnerable against disasters. Inclusive disaster preparedness provides technical and logical frameworks that as...similate the most vulnerable sectors in a community and enhances their capacity against future disasters.