Plan de mejora de la calidad de atencíon y seguridad de los pacientes
Troubles du Développement
Chapitre C.2
Rapport de plaidoyer Mars 2011
303100 03/2011 E 1,000
The curriculum, which complements the national pediatric ART training, was finalized in 2011 and was subsequently implemented nationally. The training curriculum includes a 15-module Trainer Manual, a Participant Manual, and accompanying PowerPoint slides.
Un rapport de plaidoyer de la Fédération internationale des Sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge
publié en partenariat avec l’Alliance mondiale pour les vaccins et l’immunisation (GAVI)
This study assesses the prevalence and awareness of diabetes in urban and rural areas of Mozambique and describes its management.
The limitation of a single sector approach. HNP Discussion Paper
A guide to Primary Health Care Facility Supervision
Every year, around 830 000 children die from unintentional or "accidental" injuries. The vast majority of these injuries occur in low-income and middle-income countries. However, dozens of prevention strategies and programmes exist. If they were integrated into other child survival programmes and im...plemented on a larger scale, many of these deaths and much of the injury-related disability could be prevented.
The report documents the magnitude, risks and prevention measures for child injuries globally –particularly for drowning, burns, road traffic injuries, falls and poisoning.