Information note
Accessed November 2017.
Technical Brief
HIV patient monitoring and case surveillance
PQDx 0159-055-00
WHO PQ Public Report
February/2017, version 5.0
3rd Edition – July 2017
June 2017
HIV strategic information for impact
Establishing trauma referral pathways to provide urgent life-saving assistance for displaced populations and civilians remaining in Ar-Raqqa.
In July 2017, a WHO team comprising an external trauma care specialist and two WHO staff members visited the governorates of Ar-Raqqa and neighbouring Al-Ha...sakeh to assess the situation
Available in german, arabic, english, greek, croatian, kurdish, italian, polish, portugüse, russian, spanish, turkish, vietnameseüngesundheit/
23rd February 2017, Protea Hotel Thuringerhof, Windhoek | 2017 Namibia ART Guidelines: Summary of New and Old Recommendations
This technical package represents a select group of strategies based on the best available evidence to help communities and states sharpen their focus on prevention activities with the greatest potential to prevent suicide
This guidance has been developed in line with the WHO corporate risk management framework, the WHO business continuity and contingency plans, as well as the Inter-Agency Emergency Response Preparedness Framework. It is based on a common organiza-tional approach and procedures for managing including ...emergency response across all hazards and at each level of the Organization. It relates WHO’s responsibilities (1) under the International Health Regulations (2005) and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, and other international treaties; (2) as the United Nations’ lead agency for health and the health cluster; and (3) as a member of the United Nations or Humanitarian Country Teams
Original Article
SAGE Open Medicine Volume 5: 1–7 © The Author(s) 2017 Reprints and permissions: httpDs:O//dIo: i1.o0r.g1/107.171/2770/52035013212171773311977
JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION OF NURSES IN AIDS CARE, Vol. 28, No. 2, March/April 2017, 186-198
Report the Abuse fact sheet
Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), also referred to as Laos, or Lao, is exposed to natural disasters such as flooding, typhoons, cyclones, drought, and earthquakes. The country is vulnerable to recurrent, sudden-onset and slow onset natural disasters with flooding, storms and typhoons a large effect on the population. The country remains highly vulnerable to agricultural shocks and natural disasters.
Lao has established Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction (CBDRR) practices as a result of the many natural disasters the country faces. CBDRR is implemented at the village level to enhance community preparedness and to decrease village vulnerabilities to disasters.
Lao established the National Disaster Management Committee (NDMC) as its national disaster management platform and the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) to be responsible for DRM (Disaster Risk Management) and DRR activities in the country.