Resource Guide for Advanced Learning
Environmental Pollution
Objectives and scope of the document
This document was developed to provide recommended management strategies for problems and disorders that are specifically related to the occurrence of a major stressful event. The recommended strategies will form the basis of a new module to be added to the WHO ...(2010) mhGAP Intervention Guide for use in non-specialized specialized health-care settings.
The scope of the problems covered by these guidelines is:
symptoms of acute stress in the first month after a potentially traumatic event, with the following subtypes:
- symptoms of acute traumatic stress (intrusion, avoidance and hyperarousal) in the first month after a potentially traumatic event;
- symptoms of dissociative (conversion) disorders in the first month after a potentially traumatic event;
- non-organic (secondary) enuresis in the first month after a potentially traumatic event (in children);
- hyperventilation in the first month after a potentially traumatic event;
- insomnia in the first month after a potentially traumatic event;
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD);
bereavement in the absence of a mental disorder.
Guidelines for Management and Treatment of Dyslipidemia in Indonesia
Despite growing evidence on the impact of psychosocial support interventions, there is an urgent need for a stronger evidence base on approaches that effectively support children affected by armed conflict. To contribute to this evidence base, and building on a pilot study conducted in Uganda in 200...9, War Child conducted an exploratory outcome evaluation of its psychosocial support intervention ‘I DEAL’ in South Sudan and Colombia in 2012. The objective of the evaluation was to explore the outcomes that I DEAL achieves for children and the factors that influence the achievement of those outcomes to further inform and strengthen the intervention
The aim with this study was to examine in what amount disabled children in South Africa can live a participating life in society, with focus on special needs schools and their capability to empower the children. The data material has been collected through eight qualitative interviews, and observati...ons at seven special needs schools in the country. Through my result I have distinguished three main roads to empower the children: First, to analyze social structures, secondly, to gain knowledge and awareness, and thirdly, to strengthen the children’s self-esteem. I have also analyzed the structural barriers that are hindering disabled children to participate, and illustrated this by describing social policies and their effect on special needs schools in South Africa.
Цель настоящего доклада — повысить осведомленность о деменции как
одной из приоритетных проблем общественного здравоохранения, сформу-
лировать подход к этой п...облеме с точки зрения общественного здравоох-
ранения и призвать к принятию надлежащих мер на международном
и национальном уровнях на основе принципов вовлечения, интеграции,
справедливости и доказательности.
A Snapshot of European Collection Schemes
DHS Analytical Studies No. 39
J Pharm Pharm Sci ( 16(3) 441 - 455, 2013
A formulary of dermatological preparations and background information on therapeutic choices, production and dispensing. 2nd edition
Minimum standards of home care for older people in Red Cross Red Crescent volunteer-based programming in the Europe Zone