Le présent rapport présente les objectifs, la méthodologie utilisée, les résultats obtenus et les
principales recommandations / résolutions de cette retraite.
In northern Myanmar, nearly 100,000 people continue to live in displacement camps in Kachin and northern Shan States. Most were first displaced by fighting between the Myanmar military and the Kachin Independence Army in 2011, and many have been displaced multiple times, including in recent months. ...Approaching seven years of displacement, and despite ongoing and often increasing needs, displaced persons in northern Myanmar face decreasing aid and protection services. Over the past two years, the Government of Myanmar has dramatically increased restrictions on delivery of aid to this displaced population at the same time that the overall amount of aid provided by international donors has decreased.
The goals and objectives of the Sudan National Action Plan on AMR can only be achieved through implementing strategic interventions and activities with all concerned ministries and departments joining hands with other stakeholders to collaboratively tackle these challenges.
Transforming Health Systems: Achieving Universal Health Coverage by 2022. The development of the Kenya Health Sector Strategic Plan 2018–2023 is guided by the Constitution of 2010, the Kenya Vision 2030 and the Kenya Health Policy 2014–2030.
Cholera is a diarrhoeal disease that is usually contracted when drinking water contaminated with Vibrio cholerae bacteria. The fight against this disease requires a multidisciplinary approach that combines a water, hygiene and sanitation (WaSH) response with a monitoring system, improved water suppl...y and quality, sanitation and hygiene, and a health response with the treatment of the disease itself.
La surveillance épidémiologique est un processus continu de collecte, d’analyse et de diffusion d’informations pour la prise d’actions de riposte. Les activités de surveillance épidémiologique sont mises en œuvre au Sénégal selon la stratégie SIMR (Surveillance Intégrée de la Maladi...e et Riposte) et suivant le RSI (version 2005). Cependant, très souvent les données de surveillance des maladies, surtout au niveau communautaire, ne sont pas toujours bien enregistrées, notifiées et analysées. Aujourd’hui, les maladies transmissibles émergentes et ré-émergentes comme la maladie à virus Ebola (MVE), constituent une menace importante pour la santé et le bien-être de nos communautés.
This document contains a series of desk reviews for the eight ENGAGE-TB priority countries supported by the Global Fund (DRC, Kenya, Indonesia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nigeria, Pakistan and Tanzania). The document provides a situation assessment and gap analysis about the state of community based TB ac...tivities in these countries. The focus on these eight countries was justified by the high prevalence of TB and the very high number of missed/unreported cases.
More than 51.000 people are stranded around Greece (according to data published by the Greek Government ). The majority have applied for asylum while others wait for relocation or family reunification applications to be decided so that they can move on to other member states.
Applicants for all p...rocesses require legal assistance: to ensure the appropriate asylum procedure is pursued, vulnerabilities are detected, deadlines met, the process is fair and that basic human needs are fulfilled, and rights are respected.
TB policies in 29 Countries
A survey of prevention, testing and treatment policies and practices