Responding to COVID-19: Highlights of a Survey in ETHIOPIASummary•Almost all Ethiopiansknow about COVID-19 and basic understanding about transmission and the importance of regular hand washing is high. However, a sizeable minority seek more information, which may help address some misconceptions o...n avoidance and ‘cures.’•There is strong support for government response and high levels of trust in information coming from governments.•Ethiopians believe that COVID-19 will be a big problem for their country and that they would be seriously impacted but personally feel at relatively low risk.•Family and friends play an important role in conveying local information.
For public health emergencies, risk communication includes the range of communication capacities required through the preparedness, response and recovery phases of a serious public health event to encourage informed decision making, positive behaviour change and the maintenance of trust.
Risk commu...nication used to be viewed primarily as the dissemination of information to the public about health risks and events, such as outbreaks of disease and instructions on how to change behaviour to mitigate those risks. Thinking on this has now evolved dramatically as social science evidence and new communication and media technologies and practices have evolved in the 21st century.
The year 2020 is the target date for the elimination of blinding trachoma as a public health problem. There has been great progress, and there is unprecedented funding available – particularly from DFID, the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust, and USAID. There is also reason for optimism that, ...over the next five years, further success will be seen in many endemic countries. In order to achieve elimination,
As of December 2018, CEPI has secured more than USD $747million towards its USD $1billion funding target, with financial support provided by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, the European Commission, and the governments of Australia, Belgium, Canada, Germany, Japan, Norway, an...d the UK. These funds are used to finance CEPI’s core activities in coordinating efforts and investing in the development of new vaccines and technologies to prevent and contain infectious disease epidemics.
Psych Central is the Internet’s largest and oldest independent mental health online resource. Since 1995, our award-winning website has been run by mental health professionals offering reliable, trusted information and over 250 support groups to consumers.
There is an overabundance of information circulating about the new coronavirusdisease(COVID-19), which can make it hard for people to identify which information is reliable and trustworthy. Rumours and misinformation travel fast–especially through social media.This cannot only stop people from ado...pting preventive measures that keep them safebut even more worrying,adopting ineffective prevention measures, increasing their riskof infection
Many people have questions about the new coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines. As vaccine recipients’ most-trusted source of information on vaccines, you play a critical role in helping them understand the importance of COVID-19 vaccination, as well as if and when it is likely to be recomm...ended for them.
The materials include proven communication strategies and tips for effectively setting expectations and addressing questions from COVID-19 vaccine recipients.
In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, the technology industry has played an unprecedented role in building solidarity and supporting the WHO to keep people safe and informed about the virus. Tech partnerships have enabled WHO to reach diverse global audiences in the palm of their hands with health information translated into local languages. This broad portfolio of work can be categorized into WHO’s three-pillared-approach to improving health for everyone, everywhere through digital solutions:
WHO is actively promoting science-based health messages around the world to fill the vacuum with trusted health information
WHO is working with tech companies to fight misinformation and falsehoods, which are a threat to people everywhere
To help disseminate critical messages, WHO is creating tools, applications and channels to amplify accurate information
El maltrato infantil ha pasado a considerarse en la última década un problema de salud pública. Numerosos trabajos que analizan los efectos directos en la salud mental infantil informan de una alta prevalencia en alteraciones internalizantes, externalizantes y en trastorno por estrés postraumát...ico (TEPT). La Terapia Cognitivo Conductual-Focalizada en el Trauma ha sido la única que ha recibido la mención de tratamiento eficaz bien establecido en población infanto-juvenil. La técnica de exposición prolongada se considera de elección para el tratamiento del TEPT, si bien numerosos pacientes presentan dificultades para llevarla a cabo. La realidad virtual se ha convertido en una alternativa que facilita la técnica de exposición..
A WHO Guideline for Emergency Risk Communication (ERC) policy and practice.
Recent public health emergencies, such as the Ebola virus disease outbreak in West Africa (2014–2015), the emergence of the Zika virus syndrome in 2015–2016 and multi-country yellow fever outbreaks in Africa in 2016, h...ave highlighted major challenges and gaps in how risk is communicated during epidemics and other health emergencies. The challenges include the rapid transformation in communications technology, including the near-universal penetration of mobile telephones, the widespread use and increasingly powerful influence of digital media which has had an impact on ‘traditional’ media (newspapers, radio and television), and major changes in how people access and trust health information. Important gaps include considerations of context – the social, economic, political and cultural factors influencing people’s perception of risk and their risk-reduction behaviours.