A collection of articles and other resources on the Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak, including clinical reports, management guidelines, and commentary.
This Collection links to the websites of providers of free training. We monitor these links regularly, however if the training providers change their websites, some of these links may not work. All other resources on the Humanitarian Library can be downloaded directly from the Library.
This collect...ion is monitored daily to identify new and updated materials.
It contains technical guidelines from leading global institutions to support the operation of WASH practitioners responding to the Covid-19 pandemic. Current guidance comes from the Norfolk County Council and Public Health England, UNICEF, Indicorps, Wash'Em and WHO.
Resources and Situation Updates COVID-19
Social and behavior change (SBC) professionals have often been tasked to find ways to influence knowledge, attitudes, and practices, about vaccines. Now that the COVID-19 vaccines are becoming available worldwide, renewed emphasis and urgency for SBC efforts arise.
To that end, WHO has offered thre...e factors that play a role in vaccine hesitancy, the first two of which can be addressed by SBC: Complacency: Low perceived risk of vaccine-preventable diseases, and vaccination not deemed necessary. Other life/health issues are a greater priority.
Confidence: Low levels of trust in vaccines, in the delivery system, and in health authorities
Convenience: Barriers related to geographic accessibility, availability, affordability, and acceptability of services
This resource page provide a selection of SBC research, tools, and examples that aid in understanding this issue, especially in light of the recent availability of COVID-19 vaccines and the urgency for immunization worldwide.
The community engagement hub is a platform for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, designed to help us put communities at the heart of what we do.
The hub offers a range of learning materials, tools and guidance to support you to mainstream community engagement and accountabili...ty within your work.
It also offers a place to exchange ideas, share advice or connect with others. Together, we can learn best practice from the active community of Red Cross and Red Crescent staff and volunteers committed to integrating communication and participation throughout our work
The pan-african open access portal.
AfricArXiv is a community-led digital archive for African research, working towards building an African-owned open scholarly repository; a knowledge commons of African scholarly works to catalyze the African Renaissance. We partner with established scholarly repo...sitory services to provide a platform for African scientists of any discipline to present their research findings and connect with other researchers on the African continent and globally.
Resource Page for People At Risk For or With HIV and for Clinicians
the one-stop shop online resource for cancer planners. Here you can find a library of resouces for develop a national cancre control plan, statistics, stay updated, technical assistance and you can discover on an interactive map cancer and NCD plans, as well as country profiles
The platform mapping climate risks and finding solutions
Each toolkit includes science explainers and curated resources to help understand extreme events—from their links to our warming climate to their local impacts.
In order to assist those who are undergoing stress because of Corona Virus crisis, an online Help Desk was launched at Catholic Health Association of India, Directorate, Hyderabad on 26th February.
Billion Lives, a social impact tech company based in Bangalore, India, headed by Mr. John Santhosh,... developed the necessary platform and tech solutions for coronacare.life. People can come to the site for live chats, audio and video calls, apart from communicating through mails. The site www.coronacare.life is active and accessible. There are about 30 professionals from social work and psychology background ready to take calls and deal with fears and anxieties about corona virus crisis. Doctors are ready to answer medical queries.
Multilingual Support: When it comes to language you don't have to worry about being on the wrong page we have multilingual support.
A panel of social workers, psychologists & counselors who are waiting to speak to you.
24X7 Availability
BMJ is offering a range of free online resources to support researchers, doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals to understand and respond to the global health emergency caused by the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV).
The free online resources are aimed at healthcare professionals locate...d in China and across the world, to help keep them updated with the latest developments and guidance
A reliable one-stop shop for Zika prevention and preparedness materials. ZCN curates essential, evidence-based tools and resources to help health and development professionals minimize the spread of Zika and related negative pregnancy outcomes
Grand Challenges - Planetary Health- This guide highlights a range of resources to explore solutions to the challenges of rising global temperature, and increased industrial effluences damaging the environment and impacting human health.
This portal holds a vast collection of guidelines, tools, papers and lessons learnt from across and beyond the ALNAP Membership which are relevant to responding to the current COVID-19 pandemic. The portal is updated on a regular basis and aims to include all resources published on our Member organi...sations’ webpages relevant to the planning, adaptation and delivery of humanitarian activities in response to COVID-19.
COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control Sameeksha (Hindi; review) compiles recent key IPC resources on COVID from scientific journals, WHO guidelines, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare /Government of India guidelines, and trainings and IPC resources. The intended target audience for this inclu...des clinical and public health professionals in both public and private sector in India.
The interactive report calls for ramped-up investment in health infrastructure worldwide to address yawning resource gaps in vaccine research, development, and manufacturing capacity.
Key findings:
• The pandemic pushed an additional 31 million people into “dire poverty” and backpedaled pro...gress toward eliminating poverty by 4 years
• Global rates for routine childhood vaccinations, such as malaria, fell last year by 7%, to levels not seen since 2005.
You can find a lot of excellent information and graphics
Rumors emerge when people feel left out of the discussion, when their questions cannot be answered by authorities or their doubts are dismissed by official sources. But also, rumors present an opportunity – to understand the questions, concerns and anxieties communities may have about this pandemi...c.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Internews has followed its rumour-tracking methodology, including social media listening, to identify those rumors that are posing additional risks to the communities, ensuring content is collected from diverse demographic groups.
Internews produces and distributes rumor bulletins through its Rooted in Trust and its H2H (humanitarian-to-humanitarian network) projects. Rooted in Trust has collected close to 6,000 rumors from seven countries in 12 languages, and collects data across seven major social media platforms and a wide range of feedback collection channels. H2H is a collaboration to support responders at every level by analyzing information gaps and addressing them with evidence-based content in relevant languages, formats, and channels.
El Sistema Nacional de Información para la Prevención y Atención de Desastres - SINPAD, está soportada por un sistema informático bajo la plataforma Internet, el mismo que está compuesto por una serie de servicios informáticos con miras a que la información de la Prevención y atención de D...esastres en toda su amplitud, sea registrada, mantenida, consultada y utilizada por todas las Intituciones sean éstas Públicas o Privadas, así como por la ciudadanía en general, interactuando activamente con los integrantes del Sistema Nacional de Defensa Civil - SINADECI para la eficiente y eficaz Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres.