En esta ficha se abordan las principales recomendaciones de seguridad frente a la manipulación de agentes desinfectantes, que al ser productos químicos tienen un riesgo y deben manejarse con la debida precaución. Adicionalmente, facilita un resumen con los elementos de aseo que no debemos mezclar... y los riesgos que generan.
El presente compendio normativo agrupa las principales normas que enmarcan las intervenciones del sector salud y establecen los mecanismos y procedimientos referidos a la coordinación entre el sector público y privado vinculados a la prevención y control de la tuberculosis, orientados a garantiza...r los derechos y deberes fundamentales de las personas afectadas por la tuberculosis.
En el presente informe se señalan las principales deficiencias que padecen los servicios WASH nivel mundial: un tercio de los establecimientos de salud no disponen de los elementos necesarios para limpiarse las manos en los lugares donde se presta atención; uno de cada cuatro establecimientos care...ce de servicios básicos de agua, y uno de cada diez no cuenta con servicios de saneamiento. Esto significa que 1800 millones de personas son usuarias de unos establecimientos que carecen de servicios básicos de agua, y que 800 millones de personas acuden a centros que no disponen de aseos. Este problema es aún mayor en los 47 países menos adelantados del mundo, donde la mitad de los establecimientos de salud carecen de servicios básicos de agua. Por otro lado, la magnitud del problema sigue siendo una incógnita, ya que continúa habiendo importantes deficiencias de datos, sobre todo en materia de limpieza del entorno.
El presente documento recoge los principales desafíos que, como sector tenemos para dar respuesta a las necesidades de salud mental de la población que habita en el territorio nacional. Desafíos que surgen de un análisis detallado de la situación actual de la salud mental en nuestro país y que... contempla tanto la situación epidemiológica como legislativa, intersectorial, financiera, así como la realidad de la red asistencial y de los recursos humanos del sector público de salud que trabajan en salud mental.
Guidelines for Good Clinical Laboratory Practices (GCLP) outlines the principles and procedures to be followed by medical laboratories involved in clinical research and/or patient care so as to provide quality data which can be used for health research and patient treatment. As the use of laboratory... tests (often expensive) are increasingly becoming a part of medical diagnosis and research, generation of quality data would be a cost-effective and ethically sound strategy.
Guidelines for good practice
The Guidelines are organized around eight key Principles corresponding to the course of a staff member’s contract. The accompanying diagram represents the principles visually. Each principle has supporting Indicators and Comments and Case Studies designed to assist th...e reader to more fully understand the concepts that the principles are based on and how they can be translated into practice. The principles and indicators are intended to apply to both international and national staff and to both office and field staff, recognizing that adjustments may be necessary to take account of the unique needs and characteristics of each group and of the organization. They constitute a tool for learning, reflection and planning rather than a set of rigid rules or solutions that are applicable under all conditions.
The National Strategic Plan is based on the following guiding principles:
1) Life-course approach: adolescence is a key decade in the course of life that influences the health outcomes later in life.
2) Comprehensive approach: It recognizes the cross cutting health and development needs o...f young people such as intentional and unintentional injuries and violence, SRH, HIV/AIDS, mental health, substance use, violence, substance use and substance use disorders, infectious diseases and common conditions.
3) Equity and rights-based approach: focusing on equitable access to services to all adolescents including vulnerable groups and the recognizing the need to move from aspirations to obligations in fulflling young people rights for the highest attainable standard of health.
4) Multisectoral approach: recognizing cognizant of the fact that holistic development of young people requires multisectoral approach involving education, social welfare.
Standards for nursing practice are based on the following philosophy and principles:
•the client is the central focus of the professional service nurses provide, and is a partner in the decision-making process and ultimately makes his or her own decisions
•improvement is a necessary component ...of practice, and the public interest is best served when nurses continually improve their application of knowledge, skill and judgment
•the public has entrusted CRNPEI to honour the social contract that we have made with Canadians to act in the public interest through the licensing and regulation of its members •quality practice settings contribute to the provision of competent and professional service
•the goal of professional nursing service is the outcome desired by the client that poses noun necessary exposure of risk of harm
Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) describes a set of principles and procedures that, when followed, ensure that medicines and related substances are of high quality, safety and efficacy. SAHPRA is a
participating authority of the Pharmaceutical Inspection Cooperation Scheme (jointly known as PIC/S).... PIC/S aims to develop international standards between countries and pharmaceutical inspection
authorities, to provide harmonised and constructive co-operation in the field of GMP. PIC/S affiliation is subject to initial and periodic assessment of the participating authority to ensure that it has equivalent legislation, regulatory and enforcement procedures and inspection capacity.
This updated manual provides a basic understanding of the principles of laboratory and point-of-care (POC) testing in the context of screening and diagnostic approaches, as well as antimicrobial susceptibility testing, as components of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) control. As with previous... editions, this manual covers each disease in a separate chapter which provides detailed information on specimen collection, transport and laboratory testing. Two useful annexes covering media, reagents, diagnostic tests and stains (recipes) and laboratory supplies are included at the end of the manual.
Méthodologie pour l’élaboration d’un plan stratégique national
Principales composantes du PSN
En este apartado se presentan a modo de resumen las principales
conclusiones de este estudio realizado a 360 empresas paraguayas sobre el
impacto económico de la crisis provocada por la COVID-19.
CIPH Curriculum for Best Practices. Putting Principles to Work
The WHO guidelines provide recommended steps for safe phlebotomy and reiterate accepted principles for drawing, collecting blood and transporting blood to laboratories/blood banks.