Accessed July 2014
For the whole Emergency and Trauma Care Modules visit:
Translated high blood pressure information in following languages: Albanian, Arabic, Bengali, Bulgarian, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), Croatian, Czech, English, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Gujarati, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portugüse, Punjab...i, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Turkish, Urdu, Vietnamese, Welsh.
Patient information on COPD. English version. Also available in: Arabic, French, German, Russian, Turkish, Spanish. For other versions go to:
short information/patient handout on coronary heart disease, on this homepage available in:
arabic, english, german, french, russian, spanish & turkish
ext. Homepage, accessed 2018/04/16
Ежегодно табак убивает более 7 миллионов человек (1), то есть ежедневно в результате употребления табака или воздействия вторичного табачного дыма (ВТД) умирает бол...е 19 000 человек. Большинство таких случаев смерти происходят в странах с низким и средним уровнем доходов, население которых подвергается активному маркетингу табачной промышленности.
27 May 2021
All countries should increase their level of preparedness, alert and response to identify, manage and care for new cases of COVID-19. Countries should prepare to respond to different public health scenarios, recognizing that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to managing cases and o...utbreaks of COVID-19. Each country should assess its risk and rapidly implement the necessary measures at the appropriate scale to reduce both COVID-19 transmission and economic, public and social impacts.
• Los dispositivos médicos enumerados en este documento proporcionan estándares mínimos y descripciones técnicas y especificaciones de dispositivos médicos para el tratamiento de soporte de COVID-19.§ • Estos dispositivos médicos no son limitados y son adaptables a todos los p...aíses de la región, independientemente de sus diferentes sistemas de atención médica y disparidades socioeconómicas. Además, se recomiendan para: o Terapia de soporte temprana y monitoreo de infecciones respiratorias agudas graves (IRAG) cuando se sospecha de infección por COVID-19; o Tratamiento de la insuficiencia respiratoria hipoxémica y el síndrome de dificultad respiratoria aguda (SDRA) en pacientes con COVID-19; o Manejo del shock séptico en pacientes con COVID-19.
This document is intended to guide the care of COVID-19 patients as the response capacity of health systems is challenged; to ensure that COVID-19 patients can access life-saving treatment, without compromising public health objectives and safety of health workers.
It promotes two key messages:
1. Key public health interventions regardless of transmission scenario; and
2. Key action steps to be taken by transmission scenario to enable timely surge of clinical operations.
Severe cases of COVID-19 are associated with rehabilitation needs related to the consequences of ventilatory support, and prolonged immobilization and bed rest. These may include: − Impaired lung function; − Physical deconditioning and muscle weakness; − Delirium and other cognitive impairment...s; − Impaired swallow and communication; and − Mental health disorders and psychosocial support needs. − Rehabilitation needs may be amplified by underlying health conditions and decrements in health associated with ageing, − Rehabilitation professionals play an important role in facilitating early discharge, which is especially critical in the context of hospital bed shortages. − Rehabilitation needs of people with severe COVID-19 exist during the acute, sub-acute and long-term phases of care; rehabilitation professionals should be positioned in ICUs, hospital wards, stepdown facilities and in the community. − Particularly in the acute phase, rehabilitation interventions for patients with severe COVID-19 requiring ventilatory support generally require a particular skill-set acquired through specialist training.
Short Version
This clinical practice guideline was developed in order to provide recommendations for the management of critically ill adult patients with COVID-19 in intensive care units (ICUs).