Eine wachsende Anzahl von Studierenden interessiert sich für Global Health. Bisher mangelt es jedoch an ausreichenden Angeboten zur Verwirklichung von studentischen Global-Health-Forschungsprojekten. Um vor diesem Hintergrund interessierte Studierende auf ihrem Weg zum eigenen Global-Health-Forschu...ngsprojekt zu unterstützen, hat die AG Forschungsplattform der Global Health Alliance-Deutschland (GHA-D), in Kooperation mit weiteren Institutionen, das Handbuch "Forschung mit Weitblick" entwickelt. Neben Hintergrundinformationen und Anregungen zur kritischen Reflexion werden in dem Handbuch eine Auswahl von Forschungsarbeiten mit Global-Health-Bezug sowie erste Schritte zur Umsetzung eines eigenen Forschungsprojekts vorgestellt.
Serie de Protocolos de Manejo Clinico para Atencion Primaria de la Salud
gemäß § 4 Abs. 2 des Gesetzes zur Verhütung und Bekämpfung von
Infektionskrankhei ten beim Menschen (Infektionsschutzgesetz - I fSG)
Ausgabe 2015 (kommentierte Version); gemäß § 4 Abs. 2 des Gesetzes zur Verhütung und Bekämpfung von Infektionskrankheiten beim Menschen (Infektionsschutzgesetz - IfSG
In dieser Version sind die wichtigsten Änderungen zur Vorversion der Falldefinitionen markiert und durch Randnotizen erläuter...t. Zudem enthält diese Version als zusätzliche Informationen die ICD-10-Kodierungen, die den jeweiligen Übermittlungskategorien entsprechen sowie einen Vergleich mit den EU-Falldefinitionen.
Epidemiologisches Bulletin; 14. März 2016 Nr. 10/11 ;DOI 10.17886/EpiBull-2016-014
BMC International Health and Human Rights 2012, 12 :12
This document provides technical guidance on concepts, definitions, indicators, criteria, milestones and tools to assist leprosy programmes in their journey towards the goals of interruption of transmission and elimination of leprosy disease and through the post-elimination period. Importantly, it p...rovides criteria with benchmarks, where possible, for all key aspects of leprosy programmes and services. Not only those related to elimination efforts, but also those related to diagnosis and management of leprosy, leprosy-related disabilities, mental wellbeing, stigma and discrimination and inclusion and participation of persons affected by leprosy. The document emphasises that the elimination of leprosy is a long-term, continuous journey on the one hand, while, on the other, clear milestones can be recognised on the way and programme implementation can be assessed against benchmarks, guiding appropriate action to keep the programme on track.
The Leprosy Programme and Transmission Assessment (LPTA) is an activity that is carried out by internal teams towards the end of Phase 1 (see Leprosy Elimination Framework in the Annex) when a subnational jurisdiction (typically second-tier) reaches the milestone for interruption of transmission, i....e., zero autochthonous child cases for a consecutive period of five years. It also needs to be done at the end of Phase 2, when the second milestone of elimination of leprosy disease has been reached. An LPTA will be carried out to document that all relevant programme criteria have been met and examine trends of epidemiological indicators in such jurisdiction to confirm that the milestone has been achieved. The LPTA includes assessment of health facilities that provide leprosy services. LPTA comprises of review of epidemiological data, health facility assessment and data validation and verification of the programme criteria through observation during a field visit. The evidence collected in this way in subnational health administrative units is compiled in a Leprosy Elimination Dossier to be submitted to WHO when the country reaches the milestone for elimination of disease in the country as whole. Countries that have not detected any new leprosy cases in the past three years or more can use the LPTA at national level prior to or as part of the verification process. Countries likely to be among the first to apply for verification may have had no new cases detected for more than 10 years.
Guidelines on care, treatment and support for women living with HIV/AIDS and their children in resource-constrained settings
This position paper on polio vaccines replaces the 2016 WHO position paper, and summarizes recent developments in the field.
Protecting children on the move from violence, abuse and exploitation