В этой главе представлена схема для проведения оценки младенцев, детей раннего возраста и их семей, и демонстрируется подход к пониманию и формулированию их затр...днений. Независимо от того, с какой проблемой приходится иметь дело, всесторонняя оценка всегда включает в себя рассмотрение социального и культурального контекста, а также факторов, способствующих уязвимости и устойчивости у детей, их родителей и ближайших родственников.
BMC Health Services Research (2017) 17:623 DOI 10.1186/s12913-017-2567-7
The Lay Counselor Cadre in Botswana
The Namibia Population-based HIV Impact Assessment (NAMPHIA) 2017 | The Ministry of Health and Services is leading the NAMPHIA survey in collaboration with the Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA) and the Namibia Institute of Pathology (NIP). The survey is supported by the United States President’s Eme...rgency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), through the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). | The goal of NAMPHIA is to examine the current distribution of the HIV epidemic and assess the impact of Namibia’s prevention, care and treatment response across all 14 regions of Namibia.
The purpose of this field guide is to provide field staff with simple direction for the planning, design and conducting of participatory assessment. The document provides basic tips to help teams to better structure the identification of data sources, conducting focus groups, reporting of outcomes a...nd disseminating outcomes
Despite the stated centrality of protection in humanitarian action and a growing attention to protection activities, the evaluation of protection has received relatively little attention. This pilot guide seeks to fill this gap, providing insights and guidance to those evaluating protection in the c...ontext of humanitarian action
A list of terms found within the Measures Review Database (MRD). This fact sheet defines various terms from the MRD to help users better understand the measures reviews.
Mit pauschalen Antworten auf diese richtungsweisenden Fragen ist es nur schwer möglich, einen gemeinsamen Weg zu formulieren und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe zu realisieren. Vielmehr braucht es dafür ein differenzierteres Bild unserer Gesellschaft und eine Vielfalt an Argumenten, um einen wahrhaft...igen Diskurs zu ermöglichen.
Die vorliegende Anthologie „Zwischen Kommen und Bleiben. Ein gesellschaftlicher Qürschnitt zur Flüchtlingspolitik“ liefert dazu erste Ansätze und lässt in unterschiedlichen Textbeiträgen unter anderem Geflüchtete selbst zu Wort kommen.
Fistula Services Facilitative Supervision and Medical Monitoring for Training Sites and Training Follow- up
This checklist facilitates the supervision and monitoring of training activities. Forms include: Facility Information; Training Follow Up for Fistula Surgery and Peri-operative Care; Training... Follow Up for Fistula Counselors; Additional Supervision/Monitoring for a Fistula Training Site; and Summary Notes and Recommendations from the Supervision and Monitoring Visit
Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. (2013) 10(5):210-229
Plants are important sources of medicines. Herbal medicines in Lesotho are exposed to excessive exploitation and habitat destruction. Comprehensive information to promote proper use and conservation of these herbal medicines is lacking. ...This study described the uses of medicinal plants in Lesotho with comparative reference between practice and the literature, highlighting important ethno-medicinal information and conservation status of the plants. Additionally, the study established a repository and monograph for the herbal medicines in Lesotho.
This toolkit provides practical guidance to governments, funders, civil society organizations and other implementing partners on conducting a gender analysis and using findings to inform HIV prevention, care and treatment programs with key populations. It outlines considerations and steps for conduc...ting a gender analysis; explores how to engage with stakeholders, including key population members, in a meaningful partnership; shares lessons learned from a comprehensive gender analysis in Kenya and an abridged gender analysis in Cameroon; and provides tools and resources for conducting a gender analysis with key populations.
UNFPA launches Journalist’s Handbook: Reporting on Gender-Based Violence in Syria Crisis
Amman, 9 March 2015 – Under the patronage of Her Royal Highness Princess Rym Ali, UNFPA launched a handbook on Reporting on Gender-Based Violence in the Syria Crisis to help journalists better understand ...issues surrounding gender-based violence (GBV) and to write about it more effectively and sensitively.