This document provides a snapshot view of Rwanda in terms of key socio-economic indicators, political and economic context and the situation of children. It also gives an overview of UNICEF's Country Programme and key achievements.
Rwanda has made significant progress towards economic prosperity an...d human development over the past two decades. Rwanda has one of the fastest growing economies in central Africa, and was one of the few countries to achieve all the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Political stability, strong governance, fiscal and administrative decentralization, and zero tolerance for corruption are among the key factors supporting the country’s inclusive growth and development.
Rwanda still faces some significant development challenges. Chronic malnutrition (stunting), early childhood development, neonatal mortality, the quality of education, and prevention of violence against children require continued attention.
These guidelines – an update to the World Health Organization’s 2015 publication Consolidated strategic information guidelines – present a set of essential aggregate indicators and guidance on choosing, collecting and systematically analysing strategic information to manage and monitor the nat...ional health sector response to HIV.
The purpose of this document is to share good practices and processes concerning the inclusion of disability issues in HIV policy and programming, drawing on specific experiences in Senegal, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda and Cambodia and on lessons learned at international AIDS conferences.
LEAVING NO-ONE BEHIND | “A Journey to End NTDs – Elimination and Care” records what we have achieved over the last year and where we are now. It presents our plan of action for the coming years, bringing our ‘traditional’ NTD work together with ‘Disease Management Disability and Inclusio...n’ (DMDI), Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID) and Livelihoods. We care for those affected and we’re working to enhance community and government ownership through national
health system strengthening, community engagement and cross-sectoral action. Ultimately, we are working to free future generations from these menacing diseases, improving prevention and treatment, without forgetting those for whom prevention and treatment are too late because they already have a disability.
A WHO guide to inform & harmonize national & international pandemic preparedness and response
The main updates from the 2013 interim guidance are:
Alignment with other relevant United Nations policies for crisis and emergency management, and
Inclusion of the significant development in re...cent years of the strategies for pandemic vaccine response during the start of a pandemic.
The guide is available in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Spanish and Russian
This guideline provides global, evidence-informed recommendations on the use of indicators for assessing a population’s
iron status and application of the use of ferritin concentrations for monitoring and evaluating iron interventions.
This research report provided results from the study of living conditions among people with functional limitation in Mozambique. Two comparative studies of different indicators of living conditions were carried out. These studies include: (i) a comparative study of households with and without family... member(s) with functional limitation and (ii) a comparative study of individuals with and without functional limitation. In addition, a detailed study that specifically addresses the situation of individuals with functional limitation was also conducted. The Mozambique study was undertaken in 2007 – 2008.
This document presents the findings of the National Census of Persons with Disabilities in Rwanda. The preliminary result of this census has been used to produce a summary analysis of tables and figures. It shall be possible to derive basic socio-demographic indicators as well as to obtain the estim...ate of persons with disability in Rwanda, all of which shall serve as a reference to the categorization activity planned to be done in the near future by a medical committee from the Ministry of Health. The data of this report relate to (1) Persons with disability size for various administrative units (Districts and Provinces), (2) Distribution of Persons with disabilities by sex, age, marital status and type of disabilities.
A nationwide survey of a representative sample of health facilities across public health services in all states and regions of Myanmar has been undertaken since 2014 to track Reproductive Health Commodity Security (RHCS) indicators, such as the availability of reproductive health (RH) commodities; t...he supply chain (including cold chain systems); staff training and supervision; availability of guidelines and protocols; information and communication technologies; methods of waste disposal; and user fees. The surveys have also obtained the views of clients about the quality and cost of services through exit interviews. This is the third report for Myanmar, which is an assessment of the situation in 2016.
The current SEARVAP (South-East Asia regional vaccine action plan) describes a set of regional goals and objectives for immunization and control of vaccine-preventable diseases for 2016 – 2020 and highlights priority actions, targets and indicators that address the specific needs and challenges of... countries in the Region.
In 2014, the Ministry of Health (MOH) in Malawi conducted a nationwide assessment of emergency obstetric and newborn care (EmONC) services. This cross-sectional facility-based survey used 10 data collection modules. Data collection began on 23rd September 2014 and concluded on 17th October 2014, in ...all 28 districts. Facilities in both the public and private sector (for-profit and not-for-profit) were included. Since the focus of the assessment was obstetric and newborn care, health facilities that did not offer maternal and newborn health (MNH) services were not selected. In all districts, a census of all hospitals and a 60 percent random sample of health centres that ought to have performed deliveries in the previous year yielded a total of 365 facilities: 87 hospitals and 278 health centres. All these facilities were visited during the assessment. During analysis, weighting procedures were applied to extrapolate results to the district and national level, representing all 87 hospitals and 464 health centres. Such weighting was necessary as a stratified random sample of health centres was taken and weighting applied to all indicators and presentations that have health facility as a unit of measurement. Case reviews and provider’s interviews, on the other hand, are not weighted as their sampling strategy is based on convenience.
The Zimbabwe National Pharmacovigilance Policy Handbook, 2nd Edition updates the November 2013 version to indicate the Zimbabwe National Pharmacovigilance (PV) Centre’s compliance with the WHO Pharmacovigilance Indicators Handbook 2015.
Census Report Volume 4-C
The 2014 Myanmar Census provided the opportunity to measure maternal mortality. The questions on deaths in households during the twelve months prior to the Census were included in the questionnaire, as well as questions necessary to estimate maternal mortality indicator...s.
Massoda Tonye et al. Malar J (2018) 17:156
Background: In 2011, the demographic and health survey (DHS) in Cameroon was combined with the multiple indicator
cluster survey. Malaria parasitological data were collected, but the survey period did not overl...ap with the high
malaria transmission season. A malaria indicator survey (MIS) was also conducted during the same year, within the
malaria peak transmission season. This study compares estimates of the geographical distribution of malaria parasite
risk and of the effects of interventions obtained from the DHS and MIS survey data.