This is an open-access training course for frontline healthcare providers who manage acute illness and injury with limited resources. Produced in response to requests from multiple countries and international partners, the BEC package includes a Participant Workbook and electronic slide decks for module. Integrating the guidance from WHO Emergency Triage, Assessment and Treatment (ETAT) for children and the Integrated Management of Adult/Adolescent Illness (IMAI), BEC teaches a systematic approach to the initial assessment and management of time-sensitive conditions where early intervention saves lives
l Plan de Participación de Partes Interesadas (en adelante PPPI) se formula en cumplimiento de las directrices y requisitos que se expresan en el Estándar Ambiental y Social 10 “Participación de las partes interesadas y divulgación de la información” del Banco Mundial (en adelante EAS 10). ...Este estándar brinda los referentes para que, en los proyectos que financia el Banco Mundial, se constituyan tres (3) tipos de mecanismos que garanticen el involucramiento de las partes interesadas en los asuntos que les conciernen y son de su interés: de participación, de divulgación de información y de atención a quejas y reclamos.
As of 21 September, the diphtheria oubreak has resulted in a total of 453 deaths recorded among all confirmed cases (Case Fatality Rate/ CFR: 6.3%). A total of 11,587 suspected and 7,202 confirmed cases have been reported with 99 local government areas (LGAs) affected across 18 states. Event has be...en categorized as Grade 2 Emergency, requiring moderate 3 level coordinated support to the Government Response.
At the moment, 83 elderly people are receiving care in six round-the-clock care facilities, 17 of them are from the Stepanakert nursing home, 50 are single. As of September 24, 10 children, 5 girls and 5 boys, aged 1 to 17, living in Stepanakert boarding house were also transferred to a round-the-cl...ock care facility on September 25. All children have biological parents.
The 2nd edition is publised in 2017.
Guidelines for WHO Representatives and Country
Offices in the Western Pacific Region
The purpose of this Emergency Response Framework (ERF) is to clarify WHO’s roles and responsibilities in this regard and to provide a common approach for its work in emergencies. Ultimately, the ERF requires WHO to act with urgency and predictability to best serve and be accountable to populations... affected by emergencies.
The conduct of COVID-19 vaccine trials in the context of a candidate vaccine being issued with Emergency Use Designation raises challenging ethical questions, including in relation to the use of placebo controls and unblinding of trial participants in current and future COVID-19 vaccine trials. This... policy brief was developed by the WHO Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator Ethics & Governance Working Group, to provide guidance for researchers, sponsors, regulators, research ethics committees, and policy-makers, on these and related issues.
Here you can download the latest Situation Reports
Weekly updates on the current situation in Ukraine and refugee-receiving countries, priority public health concerns and WHO’s actions to rapidly respond to the health emergency triggered by the conflict and to minimize disruptions to the delivery... of critical health services.
Emergency medical teams (EMT) are first response health care providers – doctors, nurses, paramedics, and others – during outbreaks and emergencies or disasters, working with governments, charities such as nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), armies, and international organizations such as the ...International Red Cross/Red Crescent movement. They comply with the classification and minimum standards set by the World Health Organization (WHO) and its partners and bring to an emergency their training and self-sufficiency so as not to burden the national health system. EMT initiatives strengthen national surge capacities and facilitate the deployment of internationally classified teams of health- care professionals to countries and territories during emergencies, particularly during disease outbreaks and natural disasters, providing immediate assistance when national health systems are overwhelmed . Considering that they aim to support the provision of quality clinical care services to populations affected by public health emergencies, the expectation is that financial resources and equipment will be available to enable the performance of the requested task.
Emergency Preparedness for the Health Sector: Challenges and Way Forward. Expert Consultation.
Preparedness is nowadays defined as an integrated set of long term multi-sectoral activities. One key objective is to contribute to the achievement of an increasing level of readiness within the MOH and t...he communities to mitigate, to cope with, to respond to and to recover from any emergency situation
For 50 patients requiring surgical care in emergency situations assuming 2 operations per patient (100 interventions)
WHO trauma and emergency surgery kit (TESK) aims to provide materials and drugs to meet the needs of 50 patients requiring surgical care in emergency situations, assuming an of two operations per patient. This kit is intended for use by health care providers who are trained in appropriate management of emergent surgical issues and are acting within their scope of practise. It is designed for use in areas where basic levels of infrastructure exist. The composition of TESK has recently been revised in collaboration with the International Committee of the Red Cross to meet the dynamic requirements of emergency situations. In general, this kit contains oral and IV medicines including cold chain drugs and medical supplies including renewables and instruments.
WHO TESK is intended to provide the resources needed for surgical procedures in operating theatres. Some of the sub-units may be used for simpler procedures that may occur in other parts of the facility.
The Manual for Participants is primarily meant for the participants of a 3 and a half day training course in Emergency Triage, Assessment and Treatment.
Annex of Environmental Health in Emergencies and Disaster; page 245 - 252
Information in Tables 1–4 summarizes the actions of the World Health Organization,
the International Atomic Energy Authority, other international organizations, and local
health authorities in response to a nuclear acci...dent, in compliance with the Convention
on Early Notification and the Assistance Convention.