Please find all relevant guidelines and information in our new Pharmacy Toolbox.
The PHARMACY TOOLBOX is a comprehensive knowledge repository to provide its users with practical, up-to-date information on medicines and good pharmaceutical practices. It collates basic documents on (essential) medici...nes, guidelines, rational use, access, and good quality of medicines. All health workers who prescribe, handle or dispense medicines find an electronic key pharmacy knowledge hub.
The objective of this book is to provide health workers with easily accessible information on important aspects of the medicines commonly used at primary care level in Zimbabwe. Medicines are a crucial part of the management of most of our patients, yet many medicines are potentially dangerous if no...t used correctly (by either prescriber or patient). It is important to have up-to-date information not only on the indications for, and the dose of a particular medicine, but also the contra-indications and reasons for special care, possible side effects and interactions with other medicine or medicines. The patient must also have information on how to use the preparation, what side effects may occur, and when to return for help.
A practical manual to good prescription of medicines in Arabic language.
Guide pratique d’utilisation à l'usage des médecins, pharmaciens, infirmiers et auxiliaires de santé.