Africa CDC Institute of Pathogen Genomics (IPG) was launched in November 2019 and operates under the Division of Laboratory Systems and Networks.
IPG coordinate the implementation of molecular diagnostics, pathogen genomics and bioinformatics in National Public Health Institutions (NPHIs) and/or Re...fe-
-rence Laboratories (NRLs) across Africa.
Africa CDC and APHF are coordinating a continental initiative to maximize the benefits of molecular approaches and pathogen genomics for more effective
outbreak preparedness, prevention, response, and for the control and elimination of endemic diseases in Africa. One of Africa CDC’s flagship initiative is the Africa
Pathogen Genomics Initiative (Africa PGI), a partnership that aims to strengthen laboratory systems and enhance genomic surveillance by equipping the continent’s
public health institutions with the tools, training, and data infrastructure.
About the Project
In 2023, 166 outbreaks and public health events were reported in Africa. This calls for a resilient laboratory systems for timely detection and reporting of current and future outbreaks. This project aims to scale up molecular diagnostic and genomic sequencing-based detection and characterization of outbreaks.
Africa CDC is working with Member States to develop guidance, diagnostic algorithm, training and capacity building to enable outbreak detection, and reporting to inform public health response.
Health security funding is intended to improve capacities for preventing, detecting, and responding to public health emergencies. Recent years have witnessed substantial increases in the amounts of donor financial assistance to health security from countries, philanthropies, and other development pa...rtners. To date, no work has examined the effects of assistance on health security capacity development over time. This paper presents an analysis of the time-lagged effects of assistance for health security (AHS) on levels of capacity.
Accessed: 01.04.2020
Note n° 04 du 20.02.2020 relative à la mise à jour des des définitions et des modalités de surveillance, détection, notification et conduite à tenir devant un cas suspect ou confirmé d'infection par le nouveau coronavirus COVID-19.
Le cancer du sein est le cancer le plus courant dans le monde et la première cause de mortalité imputable cette maladie chez les femmes. Il touche de façon disproportionnée les pays à revenu faible et intermédiaire. L’Initiative mondiale contre le cancer du sein met tout en œuvre pour faire... reculer la mortalité due à cette maladie de 2,5 pour cent par an, ce qui, en vingt ans, pourrait sauver 2,5 millions de vies. Cet ensemble de mesures techniques fondamentales a pour objet de définir les grandes lignes d’une voie qui mènerait à des améliorations progressives et pérennes, adaptées aux besoins spécifiques des pays et reposant sur trois stratégies et objectifs clés : promotion de la santé à l’appui d’une détection précoce, diagnostic en temps voulu et prise en charge globale du cancer du sein. Le présent document propose un cadre commun associant les décideurs politiques, les parties prenantes, le milieu hospitalier, les gestionnaires de programmes et la société civile à une démarche systématique fondée sur des données probantes susceptible de faciliter le renforcement des systèmes de santé et de diminuer les inégalités touchant à la santé des femmes tout au long de leur vie.
El objetivo de este conjunto de herramientas técnicas básicas es delinear una trayectoria para lograr mejoras acumulativas y sostenibles adaptadas a las necesidades específicas de cada país a partir de tres estrategias y objetivos clave: la promoción de la salud para una detección precoz; el d...iagnóstico oportuno; y la gestión integral del cáncer de mama. En este documento se ofrece un marco común que vincula a los responsables de formular políticas, las partes interesadas, la comunidad de atención clínica, los gestores de programas y la sociedad civil con enfoques sistemáticos basados en la evidencia que pueden facilitar el fortalecimiento de los sistemas de salud y reducir las inequidades en la salud de las mujeres a lo largo de su ciclo vital.
Consenso de los Laboratorios Supranacionales (LSN), Centros Colaboradores (CC) y Laboratorios Nacionales de Referencia (LNR) de “países priorizados” para la aplicación del Xpert-MTB/Rif en Las Américas.
Guatemala, 11-12 abril de 2011
Accessed December 2017
The aim of this “model contingency plan” is to assist programme managers and planners in devel-oping a national, context-specific, dengue outbreak response plan in order to: (a) detect a dengue outbreak at an early stage through clearly defined and validated alarm signals; (b) precisely define w...hen a dengue outbreak has started; and (c) organize an early response to the alarm signals or an “emergency response” once an outbreak has started.
The checklist tool described in this handbook is intended for EU/EEA public health authorities who need to assess the capacity for communicable disease prevention and control at migrant reception/detention centres hosting migrants for weeks/months (medium-term) in order to identify gaps and set prio...rities for development.
Using this tool, the aim is to monitor and support capacity development to prevent the onset and improve the management of communicable disease outbreaks at medium-term migration reception/detention centres, both on a day-to-day basis and in the event of a sudden influx of migrants.
El objetivo de esta GPC es proporcionar recomendaciones para el tamizaje organizado
del CCR en el territorio nacional, permitiendo el acceso equitativo a medidas de
prevención y detección temprana de la enfermedad con el fin de disminuir la
incidencia y la mortalidad por el CCR en Argentina.... Esta guía está destinada a todos
aquellos trabajadores de la salud que desarrollen actividades de prevención del CCR.
La población objetivo incluye a aquellos individuos de riesgo promedio, sin
antecedentes personales ni familiares de CCR ni adenomas. Sin embargo, aquellos
individuos identificados con presencia de síntomas sospechosos de CCR, individuos
con incremento del riesgo para el desarrollo de esta enfermedad (síndrome de Lynch,
PAF, PAFA, poliposis hamartomatosas, síndrome de poliposis aserrada, EII, etc.) o con
antecedentes de resecciones de pólipos o adenomas, deberán ser priorizados en el
seguimiento o derivados a atención especializada consecuente, según las
recomendaciones vigentes.
Detection, confirmation and management Salmonella Typhi outbreak
The Global Leprosy Strategy 2021–2030 “Towards zero leprosy” was developed through a broad consultative process with all major stakeholders during 2019 and 2020. Valuable inputs were provided by national leprosy programme managers, technical agencies, public health and leprosy experts, funding... agencies and persons or members of communities directly affected by leprosy.
The Strategy aims to contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. It is structured along four pillars:
(i) implement integrated, country-owned zero leprosy road maps in all endemic countries;
(ii) scale up leprosy prevention alongside integrated active case detection;
(iii) manage leprosy and its complications and prevent new disability; and
(iv) combat stigma and ensure human rights are respected. Interruption of transmission and elimination of disease are at the core of the Strategy.
Early detection, assessment and response to acute public health events:
Timely detection of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infection cases is crucial to interrupt the spread of this virus. We assessed the required expertise and capacity for molecular detection of 2019-nCoV in specialised laboratories in 30 European Union/European Economic Area (EU/EEA) countries. Thirty-...eight laboratories in 24 EU/EEA countries had diagnostic tests available by 29 January 2020. A coverage of all EU/EEA countries was expected by mid-February. Availability of primers/probes, positive controls and personnel were main implementation barriers.
Accessed June 2018 - Détection, la confirmation et de la gestion des épidémies de choléra
Servicios de detección del VIH
Sinopsis de política
Diciembre del 2016
Tests zur Detektion einer Infektion mit SARS-CoV-2 (neuartiges Coronavirus) sowie zum Nachweis von Antikörpern gehören zu den sog. In-vitro-Diagnostika (IVD). Das erstmalige Inverkehrbringen von In-vitro-Diagnostika auf dem deutschen Markt ist nach §§ 25 und 30 Medizinproduktegesetz (MPG) anzeig...epflichtig. Das DIMDI betreibt dafür die Datenbank "In-vitro-Diagnostika-Anzeigen (MPIVDA)", in welcher demnach auch Daten von "Corona-Tests" von den anzeigepflichtigen deutschen Herstellern und Bevollmächtigten bzw. Einführern erfasst werden.
Guía para la detección temprana en los centros de desarrollo infantil
The aim is to provide early detection of potentially infected persons; to assist in implementing WHO recommendations related to Ebola management; and to prevent the international spread of the disease while allowing PoE authorities to avoid unnecessary restrictions and delays
The document is intended to facilitate the detection, evaluation and management of incident EVD cases in Germany. It primarily addresses public health service staff and health care workers in hospitals, outpatient clinics and emergency services in Germany. It is a work in progress, intended to evolv...e over time. Updated 14 August 2015
Sleeping sickness is controlled by case detection and treatment but this often only reaches less than 75% of the population. Vector control is capable of completely interrupting HAT transmission but is not used because of expense. We conducted a full scale field trial of a refined vector control tec...hnology. From preliminary trials we determined the number of insecticidal tiny targets required to control tsetse populations by more than 90%. We then carried out a full scale, 500 km2 field trial covering two HAT foci in Northern Uganda (overall target density 5.7/km2). In 12 months tsetse populations declined by more than 90%. A mathematical model suggested that a 72% reduction in tsetse population is required to stop transmission in those settings. The Ugandan census suggests population density in the HAT foci is approximately 500 per km2. The estimated cost for a single round of active case detection (excluding treatment), covering 80% of the population, is US$433,333 (WHO figures). One year of vector control organised within country, which can completely stop HAT transmission, would cost US$42,700. The case for adding this new method of vector control to case detection and treatment is strong. We outline how such a component could be organised.