Maintaining proper storage conditions for health commodities is vital to ensuring their quality. Product expiration dates are based on ideal storage conditions and protecting product quality until their expiration date is important for serving customers and conserving resources. Guidelines for the S...torage of Essential Medicines and Other Health Commodities is a practical reference for those managing or involved in setting up a storeroom or warehouse. The guide contains written directions and clear illustrations on receiving and arranging commodities; special storage conditions; tracking commodities; maintaining the quality of the products; constructing and designing a medical store; waste management; and resources. It was written to meet the needs of district-level facilities; however, the guidelines and information it contains apply to any storage facility, of any size, in any type of environment.
Available in English, French, Spanish and Russian
This film is the Bemba version of our English film: How to care for a newborn - the first hours after delivery.
Delivery of comprehensive arrhythmia care requires the simultaneous presence of many resources. These include complex hospital infrastructure, expensive implantable equipment, and expert personnel. In many low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), at least 1 of these components is often missing, res...ulting in a gap between the demand for arrhythmia care and the capacity to supply care. In addition to this treatment gap, there exists a training gap, as many clinicians in LMICs have limited access to formal training in cardiac electrophysiology. Given the progressive increase in the burden of cardiovascular diseases in LMICs, these patient care and clinical training gaps will widen unless further actions are taken to build capacity. Several strategies for building arrhythmia care capacity in LMICs have been described. Medical missions can provide donations of both equipment and clinical expertise but are only intermittently present and therefore are not optimized to provide the longitudinal support needed to create self-sustaining infrastructure. Use of donated or reprocessed equipment (eg, cardiac implantable electronic devices) can reduce procedural costs but does not address the need for infrastructure, including diagnostics and expert personnel. Collaborative efforts involving multiple stakeholders (eg, professional organizations, government agencies, hospitals, and educational institutions) have the potential to provide longitudinal support of both patient care and clinician education in LMICs.
Aid Delivery Methods vol.1
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted regular cardiovascular healthcare access and delivery. Service utilisation has declined, and excess cardiovascular mortality has been reported in several countries. We aim to estimate excess cardiovascular deaths in Chile during 2020.
Training and Service Delivery Guidelines
Main Points
The delivery of humanitarian assistance is expected to slow down significantly over the next seven to ten days in anticipation of the electoral process and limited availability of transport and security assets.
The percentage of extremely food-insecure people who have recei...ved food assistance increased to 65 per cent, as 520,000 people of the targeted 806,000 have now been reached.
Health partners have expressed concern over growing evidence of a spike in cases of severe acute malnutrition in hard-to-reach areas in the Sud region.
Cholera response partners are optimistic that the vaccination campaign of 8 to 15 November will contribute to reducing transmission in Sud and rand’Anse and the risk of a future outbreak
Policy and service delivery guidelines for linkage to care, adherence to treatment and retention in care
For Mental Health Service Delivery under National Mental Health Programme
A Manual for Delivery of PASS by a Non-Specialist Facilitator
Policy and service delivery guidelines for linkage to care, adherence to treatment and retention in care
February 2016
this Service Delivery brief provides evidence-based strategies that can help support drug shops and pharmacies in providing a wider variety of family planning methods and information. Evidence shows that with training and support, pharmacy and drug shop staff can facilitate the use of a broad range ...of modern contraception, especially in areas where the unmet need is high, access to family planning services is poor, and health worker shortages and other barriers prevent women, men, and youth from accessing family planning services
Availabe in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese
Consumables associated with oxygen delivery are generally intended as single use devices. They should be treated as infectious1 material and disposed of accordingly. Disposal of patient interface, tubing, water bag and water chamber, for example, should be done as per facility standard operating pro...cedures for infectious/biohazardous waste management.
Nurses are critical to deliver on the promise of “leaving no one behind” and the global effort to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They make a central contribution to national and global targets related to a range of health priorities, including universal health coverage, mental... health and noncommunicable diseases, emergency preparedness and
response, patient safety, and the delivery of integrated, people-centred care.
No global health agenda can be realized without concerted and sustained efforts to maximize the contributions of the nursing workforce and their roles within interprofessional health teams. To do so requires policy interventions that enable them to have maximum impact and effectiveness by optimizing nurses’ scope and leadership, alongside accelerated investment
in their education, skills and jobs. Such investments will also contribute to the SDG targets related to education, gender, decent work and inclusive economic growth.
This State of the world’s nursing 2020 report, developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) in partnership with the International Council of Nurses and the global Nursing Now campaign, and with the support of governments and wider partners, provides a compelling case on the value of the nursing workforce globally.
As a deliverable of the G20 Health and Finance Ministers' Meeting on June 28, 2019, ministers confirmed their commitment to this "G20 Shared Understanding."
COVID-19 mRNA vaccines deliver directions to make a protein that educates our immune system, so it will neutralize the virus in future encounters. The mRNA-containing lipid particles are taken up by specialized immune system cells
Empowering Health Workers to Improve Service Delivery. This training program is designed to build the capacity of program managers and health providers in quality management, and improve the provision of high-quality health services.
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The third corridor for delivery of humanitarian assistance from Sudan to South Sudan is open.
In response to the drastic increase in humanitarian needs, WFP continues to scale up its assistance in Eastern Equatoria, Northern Bahr El Ghazal and Lakes states.
Construction w...orks of four cross-drainage structures along Juba-Kajo Keji road under WFP’s Feeder Road project have been completed as planned.
The Global Fund’s product and delivery outlook shows the overall impact of COVID-19 on health product supply chains for Global Fund grants has increased from "low to moderate" to "moderate."
Learn about the composition and delivery mechanism for the new classes of COVID-19 vaccines based on adenovirus from Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca with Dr. Jonathan Genzen, COO of ARUP Laboratories and an Associate Professor at the University of Utah School of Medicine.