Краткий курс и плакат на основе изображений, не требующие высокого уровня грамотности. Они предназначены для поддержки мест со слабыми системами здравоохранения, ...которые плохо подготовлены к борьбе с КОВИД-19 (2019 - новый коронавирус).
NAMI HelpLine
I’m having a lot of anxiety because of the coronavirus. Please help.
I’m quarantined or working from home – lonely and isolated even further – what can I do?
I don’t have health insurance or a regular doctor – how can I get care?
What if I’m quarantin...ed and can’t get my medication? Will there be a shortage?
My business is suffering as a result of the Coronavirus. What assistance programs are available to help?
Are people who have a mental illness at a greater risk of contracting COVID-19?
Is there a vaccine or cure for COVID-19?
I lost a loved one to Coronavirus. Where can I find support?
I’m a smoker. Am I more likely to catch COVID-19? What should I do?
How does homelessness increase risk of contracting COVID-19?
My loved one is incarcerated, are they at increased risk for exposure to COVID-19?
I’m the aging parent of an adult child living with a serious mental illness. I want to be sure they are taken care of.
Are there any online support resources for people with substance use disorders?
Be willing to talk. They will already have heard something. Silence and secrets do not protect our children. Honesty and openness do. Think about how much they will understand. You know them best.
Updated 8 June 2020
This is a stressful time. Take care of yourself, so you can support your children.
Updated 8 June 2020
All children misbehave. It is normal when children are tired, hungry, afraid, or learning independence. And they can drive us crazy when stuck at home.
Updated 8 June 2020
COVID-19 has taken away our daily work, home and school routines. This is hard for children, teenagers and for you. Making new routines can help.
Updated 8 June 2020
It‘s hard to feel positive when our kids or teenagers are driving us crazy. We often end up saying “Stop doing that!” But children are much more likely to do what we ask if we give them positive instructions and lots of praise for what they do right.
Updated 8 June 2020
Can’t go to work? Schools closed? Worried about money? It is normal to feel stressed and overwhelmed. School shutdown is also a chance to make better relationships with our children and teenagers. One-on-One time is free and fun. It makes children feel loved and secure, and shows them that they a...re important.
Updated 8 June 2020
Plataforma de Recursos em português: Orientações, Infografias e Cartazes, Mapas
新型冠状病毒正在全球传播。个人、社区和人道主义工作者应如何最好地响应 新型冠状病毒疾病(COVID-19)的暴发呢?如何使用《环球计划手册》指导我 们的响应?
本文件分为两节: A. 第一节内容为一次成功的整体性响应中...关键的基本原则。 B. 第二节内容为手册的“供水、环境卫生和卫生促进”和“医疗卫生”两章中相关的 标准和指引
Letzte Aktualisierung dieser Seite: 24.03.2020