The Internews Humanitarian Information Services Learning Collection communicates key lessons, best practices, and programmatic methodologies used by Internews’ humanitarian teams around the world.
Each module within the Learning Collection includes three parts: Context, Case Studies, and a How-To... Guide. The Context and Case Studies are packaged separately for ease of use.
his guidance details basic decontamination principles and procedures that should be followed to decontaminate the physical environment in the context of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Surface contamination and transmission risk all differ by the type of setting and the volume of p...eople that frequent each setting (e.g. healthcare facilities, public transport, and other busy facilities/workplaces), even though the principles of environmental decontamination remain the same.
]. تختلف مخاطر التلوث COVID-19المادية في سياق جائحة مرض فيروس كـــورونـا المستجد [السطحي وانتقال العدوى باختلاف نوع الإعداد وحجم السكان الذين يترددون على كل مكان (مثل: م...افق الرعاية الصحية، والنقل العام، وغيرها من المرافق / أماكنيوضح هذا الدليل بالتفصيل المبادئ والإجراءات الأساسية للتطهير التي ينبغي اتباعها لتطهير البيئة العمل المزدحمة)، على الرغم من أن ا لعدم قدرتنا على تغطية كل موقف هنا، فإنه من الممكن ًمبادئ التطهير البيئي تظل كما هي. ونظرالقيام بتكييف هذا الدليل مع المواقف الفردية عند ظهورها. يركز هذا الدليل على كيفية تنفيذ عملية ، والذي تم )۱(ا وينبغي تقديمه كجزء من برنامج مخطط له ومحسوب المواردًإزالة التلوث البيئي عملي.]COVID-19دمجه بالكامل مع جهود الاستجابة الأخرى لمرض فيروس كـــورونـا المستج
Available in English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Russian and Arabic
This assessment tool is to support municipalities and local authorities in identifying the risks and vulnerabilities that refugees and migrants face and to identify gaps where possible methods to minimize the impact of the pandemic exist so that they can be prioritized within local policy processes.
This second edition of the Infection prevention and control in the context of coronavirus disease (COVID-19): A living guideline provides the most up to date technical guidance on mask use in community settings in the context of COVID-19.
In this edition, new information includes updated mask re...commendations for children in community settings including updated age specific recommendations, statements for children with disabilities and those at high risk for complications related to COVID-19 infection. Updated implementation considerations for mask use in school settings are also included.
This living guideline is being published using the MAGICApp online publishing platform , as well as in PDF copy on the WHO website.
There is growing international consensus that food systems transformation is important to address the challenges of malnutrition in all its forms, the burden of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), environmental sustainability, increasing inequality and ensuring the welfare of workers and animals. In li...ght of the urgency of these challenges, there are questions about the role of red and processed meat in healthy and sustainable food systems. Globally, production and consumption of all types of meat has increased substantially in the last 50 years, and – although red meat consumption is now plateauing in high-income countries (HICs) – is predicted to increase by a further 50% by 2050. Meat consumption remains highly unequal both between and within countries, and animal-source food intakes, including red meat, are lowest among those at most risk of undernutrition
Insights from a debate on how to increase funding for health and spend existing funds more effectively.
Catalyst Dialogue participants:
Christoph Benn, Director for Global Health Diplomacy, Joep Lange Institute • Jayati Ghosh, Professor of Economics, Univer...sity of Massachusetts at Amherst • Tom Hart, Research Fellow, ODI • Lesley-Anne Long, President & CEO, Global Business Coalition for Health • Riaz Tanoli, CEO, Social Health Protection Initiative, Health Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan