La enfermedad de Chagas (ECha), resultado de la infección por el Trypanosoma cruzi, afecta varias poblaciones de las
zonas rurales de Suramérica y América Central. En los últimos años la enfermedad ha cobrado importancia epidemiológica no sólo porque se ha incrementado la detección de caso...s, sino por la presencia, en la infección crónica, de cardiopatía, patología de considerable gravedad clínica y cuya aparición aumenta el riesgo de incapacidad y reducción de la expectativa de vida.
Global Health. 2011 Apr 18;7:8. doi: 10.1186/1744-8603-7-8
Results: Currently, ‘new’health challenges and educational needs as a result of the globalisation process are discussed and linked to the evolving term‘global health’. The lack of a common definition of this termcomplicates attempts... to analyse global health in the field of education. The proposed GHE framework addresses these problems and presents a set of key characteristics of education in this field. The framework builds on the models of‘social determinants of health’and‘globalisation and health’and is oriented towards‘health for all’and‘health equity’. It provides an action-oriented construct for a bottom-up engagement with global health by the health workforce. Ten indicators are deduced for use in monitoring and evaluation.
This report documents different approaches to conservation of medicinal plants and traditional knowledge in Bolipara union of Thanchi upazila of Bandarban hill district. This initiative involved the collection of baseline data on medicinal plants and their uses, motivating people towards the uses an...d practices, identification and knowledge sharing with the traditional healers, establishment of an electronic database and carrying out specific conservation measures and awareness activities. This document also provides a number of recommendations to ensure sustainability of such initiatives for safeguarding medicinal plants and indigenous knowledge associated with them. We sincerely hope that this account will be useful to the people interested in medicinal plants, especially in developing countries.
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La enfermedad de Chagas es el resultado de la infección por elTrypanosoma cruzi. En Colombia, zona endémica para la enfermedad, existe al menos un millón de personas infectadas y tres millones en riesgo. Por lo anterior, el Ministerio de la Protección Social avaló la creación de una Guía de a...tención de la enfermedad de Chagas para el país.
Ending the epidemics of HIV, tuberculosis and malaria by 2030 is within reach, but not yet fully in our grasp.
With only 11 years left, we have no time to waste. We must step up the fight now.
Цель данного доклада – стать ресурсом, позволяющим руководителям и другим заинтересованным сторонам рассматри-вать предупреждение самоубийств как императив. То...ько в этом случае страны смогут предпринять своевременные и эффективные меры на национальном уровне и, таким образом, избавить граждан, семьи, местные сообществаи общество в целом от бремени страданий, вызываемых самоубийствами и суицидальными попытками.
Global food insecurity has markedly increased over the last two-years due to conflict, economic and political instability, displacement, environmental degradation and disasters, and major disruptions to global food systems because of the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2021, levels of hunger surpassed all pre...vious records with close to 193 million people acutely food insecure and in need of urgent assistance across 53 countries and territories. This represents an increase of nearly 40 million people compared to what was previously considered a record level high in 2020.
Climate change and variability is affecting maize (Zea mays L.) production in eastern Ethiopia but how farmers perceive the challenge and respond to it is not well documented. A study was conducted to analyze smallholder maize farmers’ perception of climate change/variability and identify their ad...aptation approaches and barriers for adaptation in the eastern highlands of
Best practice for hand hygiene requires the availability of clean water, soap, and single use disposable towels or alcohol based hand sanitiser with a concentration of 70%. Availability of these resources is not always assured. When resources for hand hygiene are not available other materials need t...o be considered to prevent transmission of infection. This document provides community guidance on evidence-based alternative hand hygiene strategies in the absence of clean running water, soap or alcohol-based hand rub.
The One Health approach can help achieve progress and promotes synergies on national and global priorities by generating synergies at the human-animal-environmental interface. While evidence is still scare, it is likely that the approach is highly cost-effective and improves effectiveness of core pu...blic health systems, through reducing morbidity, mortality, and economic costs of disease outbreaks. It also contributes to economic development through strengthening public health systems at the human-animal-environment interface protects health, agricultural production, and
ecosystem services
Journal of Social Work in Developing Societies 13
Vol. 2(1): 13-25 , June 2020
Assessment of the quality of institutional care for adults with psychosocial and intellectual disabilities in the WHO European Region.
The specific objectives of the project were to address gaps in knowledge about the number and characteristics of such long-term institutions and to identify deficie...ncies in current care standards through the lens of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This publication examines and rates the quality of care and protection of human rights in selected institutions in over 20 countries in the Region using the WHO QualityRights toolkit. It identifies steps to take to continue progress toward deinstitutionalization and to ensure respect for the rights of people with psychosocial and intellectual disabilities.
Las directrices actualizadas del mhGAP, la retroalimentación de
información y la evaluación de la versión 1.0 de la GI-mhGAP
por los usuarios han permitido la revisión y elaboración de esta
versión actualizada de la guía. En el año 2015, se llevó a cabo y
se publicó una actualización... completa de las directrices mhGAP
conforme a la metodología de la OMS para la formulación de
directrices, que incluyó el proceso de análisis de datos científicos
y la síntesis y formulación de recomendaciones mediante la
participación de un grupo de expertos internacionales e
instituciones con experiencia apropiada: médicos clínicos,
investigadores, directores de programa, formuladores de
políticas y usuarios de los servicios. Se pueden encontrar detalles
de los métodos y las recomendaciones actualizadas en el centro
de datos de investigación del mhGAP:
Globalization and Health201612:63; DOI: 10.1186/s12992-016-0195-3
The key updates include: content update in various sections based on new evidence; design changes for enhanced usability; a streamlined and simplified clinical assessment that includes an algorithm for follow-up; inclusion of two new modules
- Essential Care and Practice that includes general guid...elines and Iminterventions and implementation module to support the proposed interventions by necessary infrastructure and resources; and, revised modules for Psychoses, Child and Adolescent Mental and Behavioural Disorders and Disorders due to Substance Use