Both Ukraine and Russia are some of the world’s largest food exporters. How could global food be impacted?
This report is the annual global monitoring report documenting progress towards Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 targets 2.1 and 2.2. This year’s report explores the links between urbanization and changing food systems and how these changes are impacting the availability, affordability and des...irability of healthy diets, food security and malnutrition in all its forms. It shows that understanding the ways in which urbanization is shaping food systems will require using a rural-urban continuum lens. By mapping the interlinkages across the rural-urban continuum, governments can identify challenges created by urbanization and suitable policies, technologies, investments and governance mechanisms to help address them.
La crisis de personas refugiadas y migrantes venezolanos es una de las mayores crisis de desplazamiento externo en el mundo. La pandemia COVID-19 ha agravado la ya desesperada situación de muchas personas refugiadas y migrantes, así como la de los países de acogida, poniendo a prueba los sistemas... nacionales de salud y asistencia social, así como la capacidad de los países para apoyar a su población vulnerable.
A review of policy and practice; zero Hunger Phase 1
Harmonising proven strategies beyond the emergency phase. Zero Hunger Phase 2
Report commissioned by the IASC Inter-Agency Humanitarian Evaluations Steering Group as part of the Syria Coordinated Accountability and Lessons Learning Initiative
This Technical Brief reviews current practice and evidence on nutrition-specific preventive approaches to MAM, providing practical guidance for implementers and programme managers, and highlighting gaps in evidence and guidance.
The scope includes the assessment of activities to improve the response to affected populations, stakeholders, partners and donors, building on lessons learnt so far in this outbreak.
The number of new Ebola infections in Sierra Leone is declining, despite the outbreak continuing to claim lives. New cases have dropped to around 9-12 per week, according to recent WHO figures. There were over 500 cases per week at the height of the crisis around late November 2014.
The impact on t...he lives of the thousands of people directly affected by the disease has been devastating. It has caused substantial suffering to many others, leaving the population very vulnerable.