Accessed on 03.03.2020
Cet article documente le processus de mise en œuvre du Traitement préventif intermittent TPI), une stratégie de prévention du paludisme dont l’administration est couplée au Programme élargi de vaccination (PEV) dans les services de santé, les réactions des prestat...aires, des populations et leurs facteurs explicatifs. Les résultats montrent que l’absence de connaissances adéquates à propos du TPI n’a pas empêché son appropriation par les communautés, dans la mesure où les perceptions lui accordent une valeur pratique et l’intègrent dans les besoins ressentis. C’est pourquoi les enfants ont reçu, dans la grande majorité, les médicaments administrés. Certains comportements en décalage s’expliquent plus par des contraintes, des insuffisances du système de santé et de vaccination que par un refus. Chez les prestataires de soins, l’information a été plus disponible du côté les infirmiers étatiques. Cependant, les processus de détournement et les attitudes d’indifférence étaient plus visibles chez ces derniers.
Cette pandémie est un défi commun pour l’ensemble de l’humanité dans l’ère de la mondialisation. À ce jour, le partage des ressources, des expériences et des leçons, qui que vous soyez, est notre seule chance de gagner. Le vrai remède à cette pandémie n’est pas l’isolement, mais... la coopération.
The Sphere Handbook "Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response" is now available in Haitian Creole.
This translation has been coordinated by Oxfam Canada and funded by the following members of the Policy Action Group on Emergency Response (PAGER Canada): World Vision Canada,... Plan Canada, Oxfam Quebec, Development and Peace, CARE Canada, Canadian Red Cross, Save the Children Canada, Christian Children's Fund of Canada, Mennonite Central Committee of Canada and Adventist Development and Relief Agency of Canada.
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is appealing for USD 158.9 million to respond to the urgent humanitarian needs of millions of Afghans and to support recovery and resilience within the country and the region.
IOM’s Comprehensive Action Plan for Afghanistan and Neighbouring Cou...ntries aims to help the most vulnerable populations by combining humanitarian, development and peace interventions, known as the HDP nexus.
This Commission report aims to contribute to a new era of multilateral cooperation based on strong UN institutions to reduce the dangers of COVID-19, forestall the next pandemic, and enable the world to achieve the agreed goals of sustainable development, human rights, and peace that governments are... committed to pursue as members of the UN. We address this Commission report to the UN member states, the UN agencies and multilateral institutions, and multilateral processes such as the G20 and the G7.
En 1998, la Cinquante-et-Unième Assemblée mondiale de la Santé a adopté la résolution
WHA51.11 qui vise l’élimination mondiale du trachome en tant que problème de santé publique
à l’horizon 2020 (1). La stratégie recommandée pour atteindre cet objectif est récapitulée dans
le sig...le « CHANCE » qui signifie CHirurgie pour les personnes atteintes de trichiasis
trachomateux (TT – le dernier stade cécitant du trachome) ; Antibiothérapie, Nettoyage du
visage et Changements Environnementaux (2). Les interventions relatives aux volets A, N et CE
sont menées dans des districts entiers dans lesquels les cas de trachome évolutif
(inflammatoire) sont courants, dans le but de traiter les infections oculaires dues à Chlamydia
trachomatis, l’agent pathogène à l’origine du trachome, et de réduire durablement sa
BACKGROUND: Growing political attention to antimicrobial resistance (AMR) offers a rare opportunity for achieving meaningful action. Many governments have developed national AMR action plans, but most have not yet implemented policy interventions to reduce antimicrobial overuse. A systematic evidenc...e map can support governments in making evidence-informed decisions about implementing programs to reduce AMR, by identifying, describing, and assessing the full range of evaluated government policy options to reduce antimicrobial use in humans.
METHODS AND FINDINGS: Seven databases were searched from inception to January 28, 2019, (MEDLINE, CINAHL, EMBASE, PAIS Index, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Web of Science, and PubMed). We identified studies that (1) clearly described a government policy intervention aimed at reducing human antimicrobial use, and (2) applied a quantitative design to measure the impact. We found 69 unique evaluations of government policy interventions carried out across 4 of the 6 WHO regions. These evaluations included randomized controlled trials (n = 4), non-randomized controlled trials (n = 3), controlled before-and-after designs (n = 7), interrupted time series designs (n = 25), uncontrolled before-and-after designs (n = 18), descriptive designs (n = 10), and cohort designs (n = 2). From these we identified 17 unique policy options for governments to reduce the human use of antimicrobials. Many studies evaluated public awareness campaigns (n = 17) and antimicrobial guidelines (n = 13); however, others offered different policy options such as professional regulation, restricted reimbursement, pay for performance, and prescription requirements. Identifying these policies can inform the development of future policies and evaluations in different contexts and health systems. Limitations of our study include the possible omission of unpublished initiatives, and that policies not evaluated with respect to antimicrobial use have not been captured in this review.
CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge this is the first study to provide policy makers with synthesized evidence on specific government policy interventions addressing AMR. In the future, governments should ensure that AMR policy interventions are evaluated using rigorous study designs and that study results are published.
Objectives: This paper reviews the mental health policies that have been implemented in Chile in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the international context of countries' responses. Even before the start of the pandemic, there were significant barriers to access mental health services in Chile, ...coupled with a scenario of nationwide social unrest and protests that questioned the legitimacy of public institutions; now the rapidly worsening outbreaks of COVID-19 are exacerbating the pre-existing mental health crisis.
Methods: We conducted a bibliometric and content analysis of the Chilean mental health public policies implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic and then compared these policies with international experiences and emerging scientific evidence on the mental health impact of pandemics.
Results: Our analysis of the policies identifies five crucial points of action developed in Chile: (i) an established framework to address mental health in emergency and disaster situations; (ii) a timely COVID-19 Mental Health Action Plan; (iii) inclusion of mental health in the public health agenda; (iv) development of a presidential strategy during the pandemic for comprehensive mental health and well-being; and (v) emerging research assessing the mental health implications of COVID-19.
Conclusions: In Chile, the public policy responses to address the mental health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic has been characterized by the coordinated implementation of mental health plans, ranging from a health sectoral initiative to inter-agency and intersectoral efforts. However, it is imperative that increased funding is allocated to mental health, and efforts should be made to promote the participation of people with lived experiences and communities in the design and implementation of the proposed actions. This aspect could be of key importance to social peace and community recovery after the pandemic.
Le secteur de la santé et des soins constitue une source d’emploi considérable dans le monde, en particulier pour les femmes. Les personnels de santé et d’aide à la personne représentent environ 3,4 % de la population active mondiale, notamment quelque 10 % dans les pays à revenu élevé e...t un peu plus de 1 % dans les pays à revenu faible ou intermédiaire. Partout dans le monde, ce secteur est hautement féminisé – les femmes y représentent environ 67 % des travailleurs à l’échelle mondiale – et connaît un degré significatif de ségrégation professionnelle entre femmes et hommes. Cependant, la part des femmes dans la population active du secteur varie selon le degré de développement économique. Dans les pays à revenu faible ou intermédiaire, les femmes représentent 63,8 % de la population active du secteur, contre 75,3 % dans les pays à revenu élevé. Les estimations figurant dans le présent rapport montrent que le haut degré de féminisation du secteur est universel, à la fois au niveau des pays et des régions. Les pays où une plus grande part de femmes travaille dans le secteur n’ont pas nécessairement des dépenses plus élevées en matière de santé et de soins.
Despite growing evidence on the impact of psychosocial support interventions, there is an urgent need for a stronger evidence base on approaches that effectively support children affected by armed conflict. To contribute to this evidence base, and building on a pilot study conducted in Uganda in 200...9, War Child conducted an exploratory outcome evaluation of its psychosocial support intervention ‘I DEAL’ in South Sudan and Colombia in 2012. The objective of the evaluation was to explore the outcomes that I DEAL achieves for children and the factors that influence the achievement of those outcomes to further inform and strengthen the intervention
In early 2015, the Americas region began to experience a surge in migration flows due in large part to the rise of people emigrating from Venezuela in response to the country’s faltering economy. This swell in migration continued in the years following, as the number of Venezuelans living in Latin... American countries rose from an estimated 700,000 in 2015 to over 3 million by late 2018.1 As of June 2019, an estimated 4.3 million Venezuelan’s have left the country since 2015
Teaching the Sustainable Development Goals” provides information about the SDGs, their background, the global reality and offers assistance and suggestions on how to teach and support learning for sustainable development.
Vanquishing violence and vulnerability in humanitarian settings
Background paper for the joint African Union–UNAIDS (in capacity of serving
Chair of H6) high-level side event at the 73rd United Nations General Assembly,
24 September 2018, at UNHQ, Conference Room 3
Inter-Agency Task Team on HIV and Young People
Guidance Brief
Accessed: 09.11.2019
These Guidelines comprise a General Guidelines document that provides the basic parameters of DG ECHO humanitarian health assistance, complemented by specific Technical Guidance in annex.