Une approche axée sur l’être humain pour des communautés plus sûres
Disaster Preparedness Training Programme
Disaster Preparedness Training Programme
Disaster Preparedness Training Programme
Disaster Preparedness Training Programme
Disaster Preparedness Training Programme
This guide provides standards and directions on how to carry out rapid needs assessment for Psychosocial Support (PSS) and Violence Prevention (VP) initiatives including child protection and sexual and gender-based violence. In particular, this rapid assessment tool is designed to help gather data i...n an efficient and effective way to help inform integration of PSS and VP issues, as minimum standards, into the broader disaster management action plans in response to an emergency.
Данные технические руководящие указания предназначены для сотрудников МФОККиКП и
национальных обществ, участвующих в глобальных операциях, и, прежде всего, для
...отрудников, осуществляющих координацию деятельности по предоставлению защиты,
учету гендерных факторов и обеспечению широкого общественного участия, а также
работников медицинских программ. Важнейшие информационные сообщения и основные
группы, подвергающиеся риску социальной изоляции доступны для всех сотрудников
Красного Креста и Красного Полумесяца
A new report released today documents an “invisible wall” which has blocked migrants from accessing basic services since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and is now preventing them from accessing vaccines.
Early damage assessments indicate that at least 800,000 people could be directly exposed to minor to severe damages, including communication, access, security, loss of livelihoods, infrastructure, and health services could be impacted.
Partout dans le monde, les sociétés ont produit, adapté et fait évoluer leur habitat pour répondre au mieux à leurs besoins et
aspirations, et ce en faisant le meilleur usage des ressources naturelles disponibles localement et en développant leurs propres
capacités. Les stratégies qui e...n résultent, à la fois techniques, architecturales ou encore sociales, tirent le meilleur parti de
l’environnement local tout en se protégeant de ses aléas. Il résulte de ce processus un corpus de connaissances locales uniques,
riches et variées
This handbook presents some basic information on safe construction practices. Its purpose is to provide guidance on choices regarding settlement planning in risky environments, as well as on the building techniques to improve individual shelters. The contents may be used to develop trainings on part...icipatory shelter risk reduction methods, such as PASSA.
This guide is not aimed at construction professionals, although it may serve them to communicate with beneficiaries and volunteers on safety measures. The intended readers are Red Cross Red Crescent volunteers, who are not expected to be experts in shelter construction and safety but should be able to understand the most important technical aspects of shelter safety in the communities in which they work.
Guide de mise en œuvre à l’intention des Sociétés nationales de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge
People on the move – migrants, refugees, asylum seekers and other displaced populations – face extraordinary risks to their lives, safety, dignity, human rights and well-being.
In part this is connected to the core reasons that lead to migration and displacement, ranging from violence, persec...ution, conflict, poverty, political and social issues, as well as disasters and the adverse effects of climate change. In 2021, we are seeing the compounding factors of the COVID-19 pandemic and the climate crisis driving higher numbers of people to migrate, exacerbating risks and vulnerabilities.
PFA for Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies has several parts that can be used separately or together. It comprises this guide, a small booklet on PFA, and four training modules on PFA. This guide has general information about psychological first aid. It can be used on its own for psycho-education ...and as a reference for the training modules that accompany it. The training modules include instructions, notes, and training resources for the facilitators.