Centre des médias
Aide-mémoire N°349
Janvier 2015
Les femmes aborigènes ouvrent la voie
Mars 2014
L’alcool peut être un produit d’agrément, il peut aussi être un produit engendrant l’ivresse et la dépendance, avec des conséquences négatives pour la santé et l’entourage.
Accessed: 14.03.2019
The manual is written for clinicians working at the district hospital (first-level referral care) who diagnose and manage sick adolescents and adults in resource constrained settings. It aims to support clinical reasoning, and to provide an effective clinical approach and protocols for the managemen...t of common and serious or potentially life-threatening conditions at district hospitals. The target audience thus includes doctors, clinical officers, health officers, and senior nurse practitioners. It has been designed to be applicable in both high and low HIV prevalence settings.
Volume 2 provides a symptom-based approach to clinical care for acute and subacute conditions (including mental health). It provides short summaries of the management of diseases that affect multiple systems of the body, focusing on communicable diseases. It also includes the chronic or long-term management of HIV, TB, alcohol, and substance use disorders.
Alcohol, medication, tobacco, illegal drugs, addictive behaviour
Second, revised edition with new layout
Juni 2014
Alcohol misuses
Substance use disorders
Chapter G.1
A detailed overview is provided of the implementation of alcohol policies described in the 10 action areas of the European Action Plan ...to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol 2012–2020 (EAPA), including the current status of implementation of the five action areas of the WHO-led SAFER initiative:
Strengthen restrictions on alcohol availability;
Advance and enforce drink–driving countermeasures;
Facilitate access to screening, brief interventions and treatment;
Enforce bans or comprehensive restrictions on alcohol advertising, sponsorship and promotion; and
Raise prices on alcohol through excise taxes and pricing policies.
A tool for measuring alcohol policy implementation
WHO Western Pacific Regional Strategy to Reduce Alcohol-Related Harm
Монографія має за мету ознайомити громадськість із проектом ESPAD – Європейське опитування учнів щодо вживання алкоголю та інших наркотичних речовин (European School Survey Pr...oject on Alcohol and other Drugs) і його реалізацією в Україні. Вона містить інформацію про рівень і структуру куріння, вживання алкоголюта наркотиків серед підлітків, динаміку окремих показників за 1995, 1999, 2003,
2007 роки, аналіз гендерних особливостей, а також дані щодо поінформованості підлітків з питань ВІЛ.
In this entry we are looking at smoking, alcohol consumption and the use of illicit drugs. We are studying who is using these substances, how their use has changed over time, and we are presenting the estimates of their impact on health. Collectively, smoking, alcohol and illicit drug use kills 11.8... million people each year. This is more than the number of deaths from all cancers
Lavez-vous les mains avec de l'eau et du savon pendant 20 à 30 secondes immédiatement après avoir retiré votre équipement personnel de protection. Si vos mains sont souillées, lavez-les avec de l'eau et du savon pendant 40 à 60 secondes. Vous pouvez utiliser une solution hydro-alcoolique ou d...e l'eau chlorée si vous n'avez pas d'eau ni de savon à votre disposition
Poverty, HIV and other disease burdens, coupled with common mental disorders including alcohol and other substance use disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder, clinical and postnatal depression, distress, and anxiety, impact how caregivers meet the needs of children. When mental health is not consi...dered or addressed, there can be a significant impact on an individual, their family and the community.