DHS Analytical Studies No. 36
This report presents the findings of the Estimating the Size of Populations through a Household Survey (ESPHS) study that took place in 2011. The study utilized a single household survey to estimate the size of several key populations, including sex workers, men who have sex with men (MSM), injectin...g drug users (IDU), and clients of sex workers. These populations include several groups outlined in the National Strategic Plan for HIV and AIDS as most at risk for HIV infection, specifically sex workers and MSM.
Participatory Learning and Action Planning; A Facilitator's Guide
Disaster Preparedness Training Programme
Malawi is a small and beautiful country in south-central Africa. It is divided into three administrative regions: south, central and north. The regions are further subdivided into 28 districts. The Southern Region is the most densely populated, while the Northern Region is the least populated.
Personne ne va dans un établissement de soins de santé pour tomber malade. On s’y rend pour se faire soigner, pour accoucher
ou pour se faire vacciner. Cependant, des centaines de millions de personnes s’exposent à un risque accru d’infection en cherchant à obtenir des soins dans des éta...blissements de santé dépourvus de produits de première nécessité, notamment de services d’approvisionnement en eau, d’assainissement et d’hygiène, de gestion des déchets biomédicaux et de nettoyage (services WASH). L’absence de services WASH dans les établissements de santé compromet la sécurité et la dignité des patients, tout en menaçant d’exacerber la propagation d’infections résistantes aux agents antimicrobiens et en fragilisant les efforts déployés pour améliorer la santé des enfants et des mères.
The war in Ukraine has had devasting impact on women and girls
worldwide, widening gender gaps and increasing rates of food insecurity, malnutrition and energy poverty. This brief reviews the available evidence of that impact, recommending urgent attention to its consequences for women and girls. I...ts findings underline the global impacts on gender equality and women’s rights that have been compounded by climate change, environmental degradation and the COVID-19 pandemic,
demonstrating further entrenched inequalities and human rights violations.
Key messages
● Pre-crisis Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) Practices:
The Code has not been adequately implemented and enforced in Ukraine.
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MCIS) data from 2012: Child ever breastfed (95.4%); early initiation of breastfeeding (EIBF) within 1... hr of birth (65.7%); children under 6 months exclusively breastfed (EBF)(19.7%); continued breastfeeding at 1 (37.9%) and 2 years of age (22%); children under 6 months predominantly breastfed (51.6%); children 0-23 months bottle fed (66.6%); introduction of solid, semi-solid or soft foods for children 6-8 months (43.2%).
The international reconstruction effort in Afghanistan after 2001 created an opportunity to advance human rights, and women’s and girls’ rights in particular. Although its achievements have fallen short of what was envisioned, significant improvements in legal protections have emerged through th...e adoption of new and revised laws, the founding and growth of legal aid organizations, and the training of a cadre of women lawyers, prosecutors, and judges.
After ten years of war, the vast majority of Syria’s children cannot imagine a future in their country, according to a new report by Save the Children. On average, 86% of Syrian refugee children surveyed in Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey and the Netherlands said they would not want to return to their cou...ntry of origin. Of children displaced inside Syria, one in three would rather be living in another country. Children who fled their homes are struggling to feel safe where they are now, as around two in five children of those surveyed by Save the Children said they face discrimination and a lack of education. Many feel they have no say over their future.
In Deutschland leben ca. 200.000 Geflüchtete in Aufnahmeeinrichtungen und Gemeinschaftsunterkünften (Stand:31.12.2018). Massnahmen der physischen Distanzierung sind in der Sammelunterbringung für Geflüchtete meist nicht oder nur bedingt umsetzbar: Beengte Verhältnisse, Mehrbettzimmer und gemein...schaftliche Nutzung von Küchen und Sanitäranlagen stellen Kontexte dar, die eine Ausbreitung von Infektionserkrankungen begünstigen. Zunehmend werden in diesen Settings Infektionen mit dem neuartigen Coronavirus (SARS‐CoV‐2) bekannt. Die Ansätze zu Prävention und Management von SARS‐CoV‐2 sind regional unterschiedlich, Vorgaben fehlen bisher auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene. So werden vielerorts Aufnahmeeinrichtungen und Gemeinschaftsunterkünfte beim Auftreten einer SARS‐CoV‐2‐Infektion unter Geflüchteten kollektiv unter Quarantäne gestellt.
Strengthening the capacities of SUN Countries by sharing and disseminating good practices in the fight against malnutrition.
This report is a summary of the results of the preparation and implementation of the Learning Route (LR) organized jointly by the SUN (Scaling Up Nutrition) Movement’s S...ecretariat, the Fight Against Malnutrition Unit (CLM, Cellule de Lutte contre la Malnutrition) and PROCASUR Corporation; this Learning Route was held in Senegal from the 26th of May to the 1st of June, 2014. The aim of this publication is to illustrate the experience, its main outcomes, and the lessons learned.