Accessed July 4, 2019
Around one in four adults has at least one mental health need at any time, and in the next 20 years the number of British people expected to suffer from dementia will grow by 40 per cent. Even though you might not be working in a setting specifically caring for people with men...tal health conditions, dementia and learning disabilities, it is still important to have some awareness of the signs and symptoms. This will help you to show compassion and care when you observe any behaviour that seems unusual or difficult to understand, and to be aware of the need to consult more experienced staff about behaviours if necessary.
Chapter 5: Introducing practical healthcare
Ethiopia Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Plan
Researcher: Sophiko Gogochashvili
Co researchers: Manana Sologashvili, Maka Gogia, Maka Revishvili
Nongovernmental organization "Hepa plus"
Kassa BMC Infectious Diseases (2018) 18:216
Barbados currently has a rudimentary framework and capacity to address the issue of antimicrobial resistance. There however needs to be coordination of efforts and improvement in areas where gaps have been identified.Actions required include improved antibiotic stewardship in healthcare settings, pr...evention of the spread of drug-resistant organisms//bacteria, elimination of the use of medically-important antibiotics for growth promotion in food animals, and expanded surveillance for drug-resistant bacteria in humans and animals.
The National Action Plan will provide the roadmap to guide Barbados in the effort to address the urgent and serious threat of AMR and will be organized around three goals for collaborative action.
Diseases that spread easily have always been around. Sometimes these diseases spread from one person to another person. Sometimes they spread from animals to people. Other times, they spread through germs in the water, soil, food, or air.
Some diseases can be prevented or controlled with a vaccinat...ion, like measles. Other diseases may not have a vaccine or drugs to treat them. Because of this, it is important to prevent the spread of diseases.
Last Reviewed Date: 2020-03-18
Snakebite envenoming is a neglected tropical disease (NTD) that is responsible for enormous suffering, disability and premature death on every continent. As over 5.8 billion people are at risk of encountering a venomous snake, it is not surprising but no less tragic that almost 7400 people every
da...y are bitten by snakes, and 220–380 men, women and children die as a result, adding up to about 2.7 million cases of envenoming and 8100–138 000 deaths a year.
Follow up to the so called Abuja Declaration ten years later: In April 2001, heads of state of African Union countries met and pledged to set a target of allocating at least 15% of their annual budget to improve the health sector. At the same time, they urged donor countries to "fulfil the yet to be... met target of 0.7% of their GNP as official Development Assistance (ODA) to developing countries". This drew attention to the shortage of resources necessary to improve health in low income settings.
Learning from earthquake relief and recovery operations
General Questionnaire. Participation Scale