The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (DCHA/OFDA) requested Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance II Project (FANTA-2) assistance to review Community-Based Management of ...Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) in four West African countries—Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, and Niger—to help identify DCHA/OFDA 2010 and 2011 program priorities, including where DCHA/OFDA investment should be directed to support CMAM. The goal was to review CMAM program implementation and its integration into national health systems to provide DCHA/OFDA a status report for each country; draw lessons learned; and make recommendations on challenges, promising practices, gaps, and priority areas for DCHA/OFDA support during 2010 and 2011. The review was intended for DCHA/OFDA program planning purposes and also potentially as an advocacy tool to guide other donors in planning CMAM support in the region. After all four countries have been reviewed, FANTA-2 will develop a synthesis report. The current document presents a summary report on CMAM in Burkina Faso only.
In this paper we aim to provide information on the importance of efficiency measurement of health care facilities in developing countries. We state that efficiency measurement can be a substantial contribution to saving lives. Therefore we analyse the performance of health centres in rural Burkina F...aso making use of data which were taken from a comprehensive long-term cost information system. In the subsequent parts of this article, the study site is described and the DEA method outlined. The ensuing analysis of the data is carried out in two stages. Firstly, quantitative aspects concerning relative efficiency are presented. Secondly, the measures of performance are explained. The implications of the results are then discussed.
Plan Benin used the Integrated Management for Child Illnesses (IMCI) framework in creating the project "Collaborative Approach to Community based Malaria Prevention.” The project targeted 20 pilot villages in the communes of Aplahoué and Djakotomey, with the goal of reducing maternal and infant m...ortality related to malaria in the Couffo district. In order to assess the effects of the project on the beneficiary communities, the evaluation was initiated to measure the progress and the perfomance outcomes achieved at the end of the pilot stage. The evaluation was conducted from March to April 2009.
This Manual is primarily intended for community level volunteers trained in Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) and CBDRM Practitioners and Professionals.
The year of publication is not specified in the document.
A guide to Primary Health Care Facility Supervision
Este pequeno manual foi elaborado para ajudar na avaliação e monitorização de actividades de controlo dos mosquitos vectores de malária. Inclui também normas para a avaliação de controlo de vectores de outras doenças
What you need to know about cancer and how to prevent it.