Accessed Online June 2018 | When assessing potential opportunities for family planning, it is important to consider a wide range of areas related to demand for contraception, availability and access to services, quality and equity, and the enabling environment. This opportunity brief brings together... a range of data sources to allow for exploration of these key areas. This brief is meant to provide an overview of key data and population segmentations to spark conversations about prioritization and potential impact. Further analysis, including additional segmentation by residence or region may reveal additional nuances.
The Myanmar National Framework seeks to achieve people-centered, inclusive, and sustainable socioeconomic development in the face of disasters triggered by natural hazards and climate change. The framework articulates a common understanding, proposes a coherent approach, and identifies potential opp...ortunities for strengthening the resilience of communities in Myanmar.
Census Report Volume 4-F (Thematic report on Population Projections for the Union of Myanmar, States/Regions, Rural and Urban Areas, 2014-2050)
Key findings
- The total population of Myanmar is estimated to be 65 million by 2050. The projection is based on steadily declining population rate over the projection period: from 0.9 per cent in 2015 to 0.3 per cent in 2050.
- The proportion of the urban population rises from 29.3 per cent in 2015 to 34.7 in 2050. The rural and urban crude birth rates both decline between 2015 and 2050, but the difference between them narrows to almost zero by the end of the period.
- The population of Yangon grows more rapidly than any other area, by 39 per cent between 2015 and 2031. Other rapidly growing areas include Kayah (37 per cent), Kachin (32 per cent), Nay Pyi Taw (27 per cent), and Shan (26 per cent). Ayeyawady, Magway and Mon lose population, mostly due to migration.
Pan African Medical Journal 2017;27:215. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2017.27.215.12994
Census Report Volume 4-E
As no census has been undertaken in over 30 years, many aspects of the demographic situation in the country were unknown. For instance, before the Census it was thought that the country had a population of about 60 million, but the 2014 Census showed that the population... (including an estimate for under-enumeration) was 51,486,253 persons, around 8.5 million less than the previous estimate.
In the 1983 census, 35,307,913 persons were recorded. Therefore between 1983 and 2014, the population increased by 46 per cent. With an average annual population growth rate of 0.89 per cent between 2003 and 2014, Myanmar is one of the slowest growing countries in Southeast Asia.
Census Report Volume 4-B
In the 2014 Census, early-age mortality was measured from the responses to two simple retrospective questions on childbearing addressed to ever-married women aged 15 and over. These questions referred to how many live children they had ever given birth to, and how many ...had died (or survived). Adult mortality was measured by using a question on the number of household members who had died during the 12 months preceding the Census.
According to the 2014 Census, infant and child mortality, which comprises under-five mortality, was high compared to other countries in the region. Previous estimates indicated a rapid decline during the 1960s and 1970s, with a substantial deceleration starting in the early 1980s. The decline has accelerated again during recent years.
Child marriage is a widespread practice across Turkana, a nomadic pastoralist region in Kenya. This report explores the issue through the voices of those girls affected by it.
front cover © Hannah Maule-Ffinch/Save the Children
front cover © Jonathan Hyams/Save the Children
Long-lasting insecticide-treated nets and/or indoor residual spraying, associated with case
management, are key interventions in the control of malaria in Africa. The objective of this
study is to comment on the role of social and behavior change communication as a potential
key intervention in t...he control of malaria in Mozambique.
La Burkina Faso met en oevre depuis plusieurs années la stratégie de la participation communautaire dans son système de santé.
L'objectif principal de cette stratégie est d'impliquer les populations dans le processus de prise de décisionen vue d'améliorer l'utilisation des services de sant...é et une adhésion massive des communautés aux activités de promotion de la santé. Les données empiriques indiquent une faible implication des communautés dans les activités de promotion de la participation. Le présent article vise à cerner les perceptions des populations locales en lien avec la paritcipation communautaire à la santé.
Évaluation du programme burkinabé dans les districts de Kaya et de Zorgho
Objectif. L’objectif central de cette thèse est d’évaluer, dans des conditions réelles d’implantation, les effets du programme burkinabé de prise en charge communautaire du paludisme sur le recours aux soins de...s enfants fébriles. Les objectifs spécifiques sont : (1) de sonder les perceptions des ASC à l’égard du programme et explorer les facteurs contextuels susceptibles d’affecter leur performance ; (2) d’estimer le recours aux ASC par les enfants fébriles et identifier ses déterminants ; (3) de mesurer, auprès des enfants fébriles, le changement des pratiques de recours aux soins induit par l’introduction d’une intervention concomitante – la gratuité des soins dans les centres de santé.
The 2013 RMIS is a nationally representative, household-based survey that provides data on malaria indicators, which are used to assess the progress of a malaria control program. The primary objective of the 2013 Rwanda Malaria Indicator Survey (2013 RMIS) was to provide up-to date information on th...e prevention of malaria to policymakers, planners, and researchers.