The survey was conducted in early 2015. Respondents were 347 people living with HIV in seven (7) towns/districts of five (5) departments of the Republic of the Congo.
Lettre du Saint-Pére Francois
Report on the symposium 26–28 May 2015, New Babylon Meeting Center, The Hague
A manual for people working in environments contaminated by landmines and other explosive hazards including improvised explosive devices.
Environmental Research Letters
Microplastic debris floating at the ocean surface can harm marine life. Understanding the severity of this harm requires knowledge of plastic abundance and distributions. Dozens of expeditions measuring microplastics have been carried out since the 1970s, but they primarily focused on the North Atlantic and North Pacific accumulation zones, with much sparser coverage elsewhere. Here, we use the largest dataset of microplastic measurements assembled to date to assess the confidence we can have in global estimates of microplastic abundance and mass. We use a rigorous statistical framework to standardize a global dataset of plastic marine debris measured using surface-trawling plankton nets and coupled this with three different ocean circulation models to spatially interpolate the observations. Our estimates show that the accumulated number of microplastic particles in 2014 ranges from 15 to 51 trillion particles, weighing between 93 and 236 thousand metric tons, which is only approximately 1% of global plastic waste estimated to enter the ocean in the year 2010. These estimates are larger than previous global estimates, but vary widely because the scarcity of data in most of the world ocean, differences in model formulations, and fundamental knowledge gaps in the sources, transformations and fates of microplastics in the ocean.
Este guião tem como objetivos melhorar a qualidade do aconselhamento a doentes com HIV/SIDA, providenciar meios para garantir uma avaliação psicossocial e identificar fatores de risco que contribuem para uma baixa adesão à TARV e estabeceler a ligação entre a unidade sanitária e a comunidade....
Carta Encíclica Laudato Si' de Santo Padre Francisco sobre el cuidado de la case común
Lettre Encyclique Laudato Si' du Saint-Père Francois sur la sauvegarde de la maison commune
Disability Inclusion | Published by Child Development & Rights and Sustainable Health on behalf of World Vision International.
Special Issue: Special Education in Sub-Saharan Africa | This special issue of our Communication*Support*World*Network*Newsletter attempts to share practical ideas and information about special education for children with disabilities in sub-Saharan Africa. Our intent is to begin a dialogue among th...ose interested in this important topic, and to promote an increased exchange of ideas, approaches, information, resources, and promising practices.
Connecting global priorities: biodiversity and human health: a state of knowledge review
This implementation guide has been developed to help birth attendants and health-care leaders successfully launch and sustain use of the WHO Safe Childbirth Checklist. Development, use and implementation of the Checklist are described in this guide.
It covers how to introduce and ensure continuous ...use of the Checklist by engaging relevant stakeholders, how to launch the Checklist formally, and provides support for the process through coaching and data-sharing
This study was carried out to better understand the local beliefs and practices likely to enhance or hinder efforts to respond to the Ebola Virus Disease outbreak in Liberia.
Briefing note prepared by the IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support, August 2014