Further Analysis of the 2011 Ethiopia Demographic and Health
Survey. DHS Further Analysis Reports No. 82
World's largest Science, Technology & Medicine Open Access book publisher
Chapter 7 from the book People's Movements in the 21st Century - Risks, Challenges and Benefits
A manual for programme managers.
Руководство для руководителей программ
The main objective of these guidelines is to provide guidance on up-to-date, uniform, evidence-informed practices for suspecting, diagnosing and managing various forms of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) at all levels of healthcare delivery. They can then contribute to the National Programme to i...mprove detection, care and outcomes in EPTB; to help the programme with initiation of treatment, adherence and completion whilst minimizing drug toxicity and overtreatment; and contribute to practices that minimize the development of drug resistance.
Clinical Infectious Diseases 2010; 50:291–322
Transforming Health: Accelerating attainment of Health Goals | THE SECOND MEDIUM TERM PLAN FOR HEALTH
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2021, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD009593. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009593.pub5.