Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme
Reach the Unreached - FIND, TREAT, CURE TB, SAVE LIVES
This series highlights current challenges to the management of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma genitalium, non-gonococcal urethris, bacterial vaginosis, syphilis and Trichomonas vaginalis. We have assembled a collection of state-of-the-art reviews that capture the latest evi...dence and opinions on where future treatment efforts should be placed.
BMC Infectious Diseases
Care of the Mother and Baby through Home Visits. Facilitator Modul for Clinical Practice
As the global population ages, cities around the world are striving to become more “age-friendly”. InWHO’s Global Database of Age-friendly Practices, find out what your city is doing to improve the lives of older people. Browse the database to find out.
Supplement to the Healthcare Waste Management Toolkit for Global Fund
Practitioners and Policy Makers
The South African Pharmacy Council’s vision is to strive for quality pharmaceutical services for all the people of South Africa, and the Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP) manual affords us the opportunity to improve the quality of our work. The additional standards in this edition aim at doing just tha...t - to assist in the promotion of the provision of pharmaceutical care which complies with universal norms and values, both in the private and public sector, and the promotion of the health and quality of life of patients. The GPP standards are for use by all practising pharmacists and other healthcare professionals providing a pharmaceutical-related service to patients. All healthcare professionals are therefore urged to embrace the manual and support its implementation.
The WHO Safe Childbirth Checklist is a tool intended to improve the quality of care for women and babies at the time of childbirth. The Checklist is an organized list of evidence-based essential birth practices targeting major causes of maternal deaths, intrapartum-related stillbirths and neonatal d...eaths that occur in facilities around the world. An implementation guide has been developed alongside this Checklist to help facilities successfully implement it.
The Health and Climate Change Country Profiles, developed in collaboration with national governments, are part of WHO’s monitoring of health sector response to climate change. The profiles summarize evidence of the climate hazards and health risks facing countries. They track national progress in ...addressing the health threats from climate change and highlight opportunities for gaining health benefits from climate mitigation action. The profiles provide an overview of key areas for taking action and provide links to available resources.
This tool focuses on performance management as an essential element of successful supply chain and logistics systems. It is designed to assist health supply chain workers who have performance management responsibilities.
The value of this assessment is both in the DOING and in the outcome.
You do need to keep in mind the maturity of your organization and not expect that a newly formed NGO have in place many of the mechanisms and structures mentioned in the assessment form.
But this does give the interested NGO... leader, a way to monitor your NGO’s development and also to take note of various aspects of NGO work that might be implemented in the coming months.
Accessed 26th of November 2015.
In this guide, indicators relevant to different aspects of nutrition and associated sectors are brought together, especially those which have appeared regularly over the last 15 years. More than a comprehensive list of indicators, the guide seeks to provide an illustration of the variety of the most... relevant indicators and those most widely used in each sector, particularly with reference to indicators recommended by major expert bodies such as those of the United Nations.