(Published with Decision No. 3003/QðBYT dated 19/8/2009 of the Minister of Health)
Apruébase la Guía Práctica Clínica Nacional sobre Prevención, Diagnóstico y Tratamiento de la Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 - Resulocíon 695/2009 Ministerio de Salud (M.S.)
El grupo de Farmacovigilancia de la red Panamericana para la Armonización Farmacéutica (PARF) de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS), ha desarrollado este documento desde la visión OPS/OMS, considerando que la farmacovigilancia es un componente esencial de los programas de salud públ...ica. Se trabajó con el objetivo de facilitar el desarrollo, mejorar y fortalecer los sistemas de
farmacovigilancia en la región de las Américas y promover el ejercicio de las buenas prácticas para mejorar la seguridad del paciente y de la población de acuerdo a las necesidades de la región.
Acupuncture has been practised for more than 2500 years in the Western Pacific Region and has become a global therapeutic method in recent decades. However, it was reportedthat acupuncturists differed by up to 25% in the acupuncture points they used, raising doubts and uncertainty regarding the effi...cacy and safety of acupuncture treatment, as well as causing difficulties in the fields of acupuncture research and education.
The purpose of this guide is to provide basic information for Federal disaster responders and other service providers who may be deployed or otherwise assigned to provide or coordinate services in American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities.
This guide is intended to serve as a general briefi...ng to enhance cultural competence while providing services to AI/AN communities. (Cultural competence is defined as the ability to function effectively in the context of cultural differences.) A more specific orientation or training should be provided by a member of the particular AI/AN community
Education for respect and understanding – inclusion and equity