Module 10
Testing providers
July 2017
Module 10: Testing providers. This module is for people who provide testing services at PrEP sites and laboratories. It offers guidance in selecting testing services, including screening of individuals before PrEP is initiated and monitoring while they ar...e taking PrEP. Information is provided on HIV testing, creatinine, HBV and HCV, pregnancy and STIs.
Prequalification of Male Circumcision Devices
PQMC_007 v1 16 December 2011
J Int Assoc Provid AIDS Care. 2017 ; 16(5): 499–505. doi:10.1177/2325957417709089.
La Burkina Faso met en oevre depuis plusieurs années la stratégie de la participation communautaire dans son système de santé.
L'objectif principal de cette stratégie est d'impliquer les populations dans le processus de prise de décisionen vue d'améliorer l'utilisation des services de sant...é et une adhésion massive des communautés aux activités de promotion de la santé. Les données empiriques indiquent une faible implication des communautés dans les activités de promotion de la participation. Le présent article vise à cerner les perceptions des populations locales en lien avec la paritcipation communautaire à la santé.
La capacidad de respuesta de un hospital puede ser superada por la llegada masiva de pacientes que soliciten atención médica como consecuencia de una situación de emergencia. Ante este escenario, se debe considerar si el establecimiento de salud está organizado para garantizar la gestión de la respuesta hospitalaria, el funcionamiento de los mecanismos de coordinación, el manejo integral de la información, las capacidades logísticas para facilitar la respuesta, y los recursos necesarios para su ejecución, así como para una respuesta integral a los pacientes, precautelando la salud y bienestar de los trabajadores de salud. (7)
Last updated Friday 20 March
The WHO CIA List should be used as a reference to help formulate and prioritize risk assessment and risk management strategies for containing antimicrobial resistance. The WHO CIA List supports strategies to mitigate the human health risks associated with antimicrobial use in animals and has been used by both public and private sector organizations. The list helps regulators and stakeholders know which types of antimicrobials used in animals present potentially higher risks to human populations and how use of antimicrobials might be managed to minimize antimicrobial resistance of medical importance. The use of the WHO CIA List, in conjunction with the OIE list of antimicrobials of veterinary importance (1) and the WHO Model Lists of Essential Medicines (2) , will allow for prioritization of risk management strategies in the human sector, the food animal sector, inagriculture (crops) and horticulture, through a coordinated multisectoral One Health approach.
Based on Human Rights Watch (HRW)'s reporting on the human rights dimensions of the COVID-19 pandemic (see Related Summary, and the video, below), this document presents 40 questions to provoke thinking about a rights-respecting response to the crisis. The questions address the needs - including aro...und issues of information and communication - of groups most at risk, such as people living in poverty, ethnic and religious minorities, women, people with disabilities, older people, migrants, refugees, children, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people. The resource also identifies a variety of responses to the crisis, some of which are positive and others problematic - with many links to related stories and resources online.
Supply of essential medicines and health technologies (6 April 2020)
This paper is one of a set of technical guidance papers developed by the WHO Regional Office for Europe to provide practical information and resources for decision-makers on measures to strengthen the health system response to C...OVID-19.
The purpose of this paper is to provide WHO Regional Office for Europe Country Offices and Member States with guidance on how to maintain supplies of medicines and health technologies, including devices, diagnostics and blood products, during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Muitos países já demonstraram que a transmissão por COVID- 19 de uma pessoa para outra pode ser desacelerada ou interrompida. Essas ações salvaram vidas e deram ao restante do mundo mais tempo para se preparar para a chegada da COVID-19: prontidão dos sistemas de resposta a emergências; da capacidade de detecção e assistência aos pacientes; garantia de espaço, insumos e equipes necessárias nos hospitais, e desenvolvimento de intervenções médicas que salvam vidas. Todos os países devem urgentemente tomar as medidas necessárias para desacelerar a disseminação e evitar que seus sistemas de saúde fiquem sobrecarregados, em função de pacientes gravemente doentes por COVID-19.
Esta é a primeira edição da orientação sobre estratégias de prevenção e controle de infecções (PCI) que devem ser aplicadas quando houver suspeita de COVID-19. Ela foi adaptada do documento da OMS sobre prevenção e controle de infecções durante prestação de cuidados de saúde para ca...sos prováveis ou confirmados de infecção da síndrome respiratória do Oriente Médio (MERS-CoV)1, com base no conhecimento atual da situação e experiência com a síndrome respiratória aguda grave (SARS) e MERS2. A OMS atualizará estas recomendações à medida que novas informações forem surgindo. Esta orientação é dirigida a trabalhadores da saúde, administradores em saúde e equipes de PCI nas unidades de saúde, mas também é relevante para os níveis nacionais, estaduais e municipais.
This guidance note aims to provide practical support to service providers operating Women and Girls Safe Spaces (WGSS) on how to adapt programming in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This note provides a few ideas to a challenging problem of reaching survivors who cannot easily access phone-based GBV support. It is very much a living document given the evolving nature of the pandemic and may be adapted as more evidence, insights and lessons become available. It is intended to sp...ark conversation in the hope that additional contributions and innovations from others will result.
La vaccination est un service de santé essentiel qui protège les sujets sensibles contre les maladies à prévention vaccinale (MPV).2 La vaccination en temps voulu permet aux individus et aux communautés de rester protégés et diminue la probabilité d’une poussée épidémi...que de MPV.
Ce document d'orientation explique comment la distance physique (appelée "distance sociale" dans les documents d'orientation précédents) peut contribuer à ralentir la transmission.
Guiding principles for reuse are:
Respirators which have been visibly contaminated (e.g. during procedure at intubated patients, such as suction cleaning of airways, taking probes, extubation attempts, etc.) or are damaged or not fitting, should be discarded and cannot be taken for re-use or de...contamination procedures.
Respirators may be protected by a medical face mask in order to prevent soiling.
Use of new ‘expired respirators’ (manufacturers expiry date) is possible if they were properly stored until use.
COVID-19 disproportionately affects the poor and vulnerable. Community health workers are poised to play a pivotal role in fighting the pandemic, especially in countries with less resilient health systems. Drawing from practitioner expertise across four WHO regions, this article outlines the targete...d actions needed at different stages of the pandemic to achieve the following goals: (1) PROTECT healthcare workers, (2) INTERRUPT the virus, (3) MAINTAIN existing healthcare services while surging their capacity, and (4) SHIELD the most vulnerable from socioeconomic shocks. While decisive action must be taken now to blunt the impact of the pandemic in countries likely to be hit the hardest, many of the investments in the supply chain, compensation, dedicated supervision, continuous training and performance management necessary for rapid community response in a pandemic are the same as those required to achieve universal healthcare and prevent the next epidemic.
BMJ Global Health2020;5:e002550. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002550
This paper is an initial compilation of the promising practices on risk communication and community engagement that have developed in Europe during the COVID pandemic, in complementarity to the UNHCR’s Practical Recommendations and Good Practice to Address Protection Concerns in the Context of the... COVID-19 Pandemic.It seeks to document and share such practices, but also to inspire new initiatives, foster exchange, and further develop a community of practice within the region.