Malawi Integrated Guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures for Providing HIV Services. 3rd edition 2016
Cовершенствование теоретических знаний и практических навыков по вопросам диагностики и лечения туберкулеза с множественной лекарственной устойчивостью (МЛУ) ми...кобактерий.
HIV Testing and Counselling Guidelines
This document is written for medical doctors, clinical officers, medical assistants, nurses, midwives, health surveillance assistants (HSAs), and medical records clerks who are working in public and private sector health facilities in Malawi. It is designed to be a practical guide for implementation... of integrated HIV services.
Locate, test, treat and retain (L2TR) Ghana campaign. 90-90-90 ending the AIDS epedemic by 2030