4th edition. This is fourth edition of Treatment of tuberculosis: guidelines, adhering fully to the new WHO process for evidence-based guidelines. Several important recommendations are being promoted in this new edition
This research paper uses the Health Resources and services Availability Mapping System (HeRAMS) database to develop two composite indices – one for health centres and one for hospitals – in order to analyse and assess the health facilities’ performance across time and to evaluate the di...sparities among regions in the Syrian Arab Republic. The indices will provide an evidence-based tool for the main actors in the health sector to identify gaps, to intervene accordingly and to assess the impact of their interventions on the health system. The process of constructing the indices includes description and selection of variables, application of normalization techniques and weighting methods, and sensitivity analysis.
A literature review, analysis of the scope of the HeRAMS database, analysis of the crisis situation, data limitation and expert consultations were the main aspects of the construction process of the indices.
В борьбе с туберкулезом достигнуты значительные прорывы, среди которых ускоренные и более точные методы диагностики и первые новые лекарственные средства за 50 л...т, однако сохраняется губительное отставание во внедрении этих нововведений в практику и обеспечения доступа к ним для уязвимых и социально ущемленных групп населения, в том числе заключенных, людей, живущих с ВИЧ, внутренних и внешних мигранты и наркопотребителей
Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition National Guidelines
The development of this draft Proposed programme budget 2022–2023 comes at a unique moment for WHO. The world is in the grip of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic and faces health, social and economic consequences on an unprecedented scale. Although it is not known when the COVID-19 pande...mic will end, recent encouraging vaccine results, in addition to the examples of countries that have achieved good results through public health measures, hold out the prospect of better days ahead. The full impact of the pandemic cannot yet be determined. But whatever its implications, the Secretariat will rise to the challenge and is ready to adapt so that it is fully equipped to support Member States for any eventuality in the future – to make sure that the world will never again have to face this kind of crisis.
Member States of the Region have initiated processes to strengthen leadership and governance for mental health. Several countries have developed and implemented mental health plans, strategies and legislations. Direct spending on mental health needs to be increased throughout the Region through the ...health sector as well as other relevant sectors.
Collection of country-level good practices
NHSP 2017- 2022 (Final draft)
Summary Report
Accessed: 19.10.2019
Manual for Trainers and Programme Managers
Experience of national TB partnerships
Summary of research into the consequences of the Ebola outbreak for children and communities in Liberia and Sierra Leone
Further Analysis of the 2000, 2005, and 2011 Demographic and Health Surveys. DHS Further Analysis Reports No. 83