Este año cumplimos 150 años de historia... Tal vez nuestros antecesores no imaginaron que, siglo y medio después, la escuela que fundaron seguiría firme no solo en un valle rodeado de montañas, sino también en el espíritu de cada uno de sus hijos más allá de las fronteras: estudiantes, prof...esores, egresados y colaboradores que en cada lugar del mundo han hecho del sello UdeA una premisa de excelencia.
The state of the Guinean health workforce is one of the country’s bottlenecks in advancing health outcomes. The impact of the 2014–2015 Ebola virus disease outbreak and resulting international attention has provided a policy window to invest in the workforce and reform the health system. This constitutes a baseline study on the health workforce situation, professional education, and retention policies in Guinea. The study was conducted to inform capacity development as part of a scientific collaboration between Belgian and Guinean health institutes aiming to strengthen public health systems and health workforce development. It provides initial recommendations to the Guinean government and key actors.
The cervix is the lower, narrow end of the uterus (the hollow, pear-shaped organ where a foetus can grow). The cervix leads from the uterus to the vagina (birth canal) below.
Cervical cancer is the 2nd most common cancer among South African women, but the cancer women die of most in our country. ...Women in South Africa have a 1 in 42 lifetime risk of cervical cancer (NCR 2019).