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No publication year indicated.
No publication year indicated.
This publication presents guidance on good practice from the Ayeyarwaddy Delta in Myanmar, outlining the key factors which contributed to the successful implementation and outcome of a range of community-based Disaster Risk Reduction initiatives implemented by the Myanmar Consortium for Community Re...silience (MCCR).
The content was developed over a period of two months between November-December 2015, involving a desk review of MCCR project documents including impact studies, monitoring reports and newsletters. Field visits were undertaken to the Ayeyarwaddy Delta to document the perspectives of key stakeholders at community level, including a total of 93 adults (men and women) and 57 children (girls and boys) from eight communities targeted under the DIPECHO IX project.
This Manual is primarily intended for Local Government, Community Based Organizations and Civil Society Organizations (CSO) supporting or implementing Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) program.
Development of IEC materials for the NDoH launch of oral PrEP at selected sex worker sites in South Africa
Reporting Period: 4 to 10 April 2020
• In collaboration with the Ministry of Youth, UNICEF started training 50 young bloggers on how to identify and respond to fake news.
• UNICEF engaged with 97 social services to enable front-line social workers to carry out community prevention work and... case management.
• With support from UNICEF, the nationwide distance learning program, “Mon école à la maison” was officially launched on TV, Radio, WebTV in addition to the free of charge SMS-based learning system.
One booklet is called "Heart-to-Heart with My Child." Published for Rohingya adults and children, it conveys key child protection messages in accessible terms in both Rohingya and in English. The messages are illustrated with embroideries made by Rohingya female artists, engaged with IOM's Rohingya ...Cultural Memory Centre (RCMC).
During focus group discussions and one-on-one interviews with IOM's protection team, refugees often share stories of harassment and physical abuse. The team encountered several protection risks in the camps, which the staff has been gradually mitigating.
Guidance for addressing a global infodemic and fostering demand for immunization
December 2020
Misinformation threatens the success of vaccination programs across the world. This guide aims to help organizations to address the global infodemic through the development of strategic and well-coordina...ted national action plans to rapidly counter vaccine misinformation and build demand for vaccination that are informed by social listening.
Leaflet from the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC)
Der BAGSO-Ratgeber informiert kompakt und verständlich zu Impfungen für Erwachsene ab 60 Jahren. Er gibt Antworten auf zwölf häufig gestellte Fragen, u.a. für wen welche Impfungen besonders wichtig sind, wo man sich beraten lassen kann und ob die Kosten von der Krankenkasse übernommen werden. ...Ein Adressteil benennt Ansprechpartner, die bei Bedarf weiterführende Informationen anbieten.
This guide focuses on the evaluation of psychosocial programs that are aligned with two main goals: - To promote psychosocial wellbeing by promoting an environment that provides appropriate care, opportunities for development and protects children from exposure to situations that are harmful to thei...r psychosocial wellbeing, and - To respond to psychosocial problems by strengthening social and psychological supports for children who have been exposed to situations that affect their psychological development.
Як знайти спільну мову з дітьми? Як порозумітися в непростих ситуаціях, що виникають мало не щодня? Ми склали невеличкий словничок, який допоможе мотивувати учнів д...о навчання і відновити довіру до вчителя. Для зручності у словничку є групи, назви яких підказують, що «почує» і відчує учень, якщо ви вживатимете у відповідних ситуаціях ці та подібні вислови. Щиро бажаємо вам взаєморозуміння, довіри і теплої атмосфери в роботі!
Accessed on 2019
This profile presents an overview of the current equity in the coverage of key reproductive, maternal, and child health interventions in Namibia. | The United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Bureau for Global Health’s flagship Maternal and Child Survival Program (MCSP) on 25 high-priority countries with the ultimate goal of preventing child and maternal deaths.
Aims of the CNS programme:
- To provide accessibility to quality nursing care and related services including clinical assessment and personalized care for persons enrolled/entitled to CNS services.
- To enhance the independence and health outcomes of entitled persons by avoiding early admi...ssion to hospital and/or residential care by providing access to CNS.
- To provide nursing, midwifery and advanced/specialized care through CNS delivered by a skills mix of registered and enrolled nurses.
- To facilitate provision of preventive, promotive and rehabilitative services to the community.