Guide de mise en œuvre à l’intention des Sociétés nationales de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge
7 June 2020 Version 1
Women in Myanmar have traditionally been underrepresented in public decision-making processes, a trend which is continuing in structures established to respond to COVID-19. This means that even as women are disproportionately affected by the crisis, they have less say in how t...heir communities and country respond to it, increasing the risk of a COVID-19 response that does not adequately address the needs and priorities of the most vulnerable women and girls.
The Lancet Respiratory Medicine
The Community Health Systems (CHS) Catalog is a resource that provides information on community health program workers, and interventions for the 25 countries deemed priority by USAID’s Of of Population and Reproductive Health. It comprises a compilation of 25 country profiles developed from a review of community health policies, strategies, a related documentation.
This document summarizes country trends drawn from the CHS Catalog and highlights interesting and relevant findings
about the global community health policy landscape.
This report presents three scenarios on the impact of COVID-19 in Africa using economic growth forecasts, mortality and efforts to ameliorate impact through social grants. Likely effects are examined on per capita income, poverty and the attainment of selected Sustainable Development Goals targets. ...Africa’s development trajectory has suffered a severe setback, with extreme poverty rising in all the scenarios. The pandemic threatens Africa in several ways, and the report provides policy recommendations to reduce vulnerability and strengthen resilience.
It is targeted towards humanitarian settings and aims to complement other guidance on the management of the dead with a stronger focus on the practical realities faced when dealing with the dead in humanitarian settings. The guidance offers practical recommendations for the management of the bodies ...or human remains of persons who died from COVID-19
In Israel, as in other countries, the COVID-19 outbreak highlights existing structural inequities,which compromise the health of some migrant groups. The Israeli case also demonstrate show strong NGOs successfully advocate for the protection of migrants‘health amidst the crisis, madepossible bya c...ertain level ofcooperation withthe Israeli Ministry of Health.Hence,measures for COVID-19preparedness in Israel‘s marginalized migrant communities mostly result from pressure from civil society, against thebackdrop of a generally exclusionary approach toward migrants.4Over time, the Israeli Ministry of Health thus shifted from acknowledging the need to include migrants in preparedness measures toward the realization that particular needs and circumstances amongmigrant communities in some instances require special responses. Givena legacy of neglect and exclusion, this creates challenges for both the authorities and the migrant communities.
The 2019 ANA’s Principles for Nurse Staffing, Third Edition, identifies major elements needed to achieve appropriate nurse staffing, which enhances the delivery of safe, quality health care. These principles are grounded in the substantive and growing body of evidence that demonstrates the link be...tween appropriate nurse staffing and better patient outcomes and apply to all types of nurse staffing at every practice level in any healthcare delivery setting. Focused on addressing the complexities of appropriate nurse staffing decisions, the principles and supporting material in this publication will guide nurses and other decision-makers in identifying and developing processes and policies needed to improve nurse staffing.
The State of the world’s nursing 2020 report provides the latest, most up-to-date evidence on and policy options for the global nursing workforce.
A new reportshows that people in some 25 countries are set to face devasting levels of hunger in coming months due to the fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic. While the greatest concentration of need is in Africa, countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, and in the Middle East and Asia – inclu...ding middle-income countries - are also being ravaged by crippling levels of food insecurity
In the USA, Catholic Social Teaching is commonly called “the church’s best keptsecret”. And, indeed, did the church’s Social Teaching on the other side of the Atlantic never enjoy the political and societal importance attributed to it in many European countries for such a long time including..., and above all, Germany. Entire generations of Catholic politicians, social scientists, trade unionists andentrepreneurs were shaped by the Social Teachings of their Church in thesecountries, and this moulding has influenced their way of acting to a great extent. This influence can be clearly traced in the socio-economic realm where Catholic SocialTeaching has contributed fundamentally to the rise of what we today – in a cleardividing line to the boundless capitalism of the Anglo-American brand – call theSocial Market Economy.
accessed July 2020
A paper presented during a conference on The Catholic Social Teaching and its Social and Political impact on the Development 9thto 10th December, in Schloss Eichholz Koln/Cologne/GermanyPresented by Sr. Dr. Elizabeth Nduku
accessed July 2020
How to respond to Covid19 pandemic in West and Central Africa
WHAT IS THE CATHOLIC VIEW REGARDING THE DIGNITY OF WORK AND THE RIGHTS OF WORKERS?We learn through the Genesis story that God has made the human person in the image and likeness of God. Human dignityfinds its origin here. The creation of humans takes place only after the creation of he...aven and earth, and man and womanare created to be in relationship with their environment. All that human beings need for their survival and well-being isprovided by God but requires their creative effort and toil.
accessed July 2019
The 10 Second Summary
accessed on 17 July 2020
CCC and OECTA Partnership Teaching Resource
Equity and Inclusion: Through the Lens of the Catholic Social Teachings
accessed on 16 July 2020
This update of the Guidelines for poison control, entitled Guidelines for establishing a poison centre, reflects the development of the role of poison centres in public health and the sound management of chemicals, described in section 1, and the opportunities provided by new technology. Assessments... carried out under the IHR show
continuing gaps in capacity for managing chemicals (2). In particular, many countries still lack access to poison
centre services (3). There is therefore demand for updated guidance.
With 71 million people forcibly displaced around the world and aid budgets woefully underfunded, how do humanitarian agencies decide whom to help and for how long?