The purpose of Volume 2 is to provide a full set of reference data showing performance over the period of the previous National Health Plan 2001–2010, to provide a baseline against which performance over the next ten years can be measured, and to highlight in greater detail some of the contex...t against which the policies and strategies described in Volume 1 can be understood.
This Part A of Volume 2 provides data and context from a whole-of-country perspective. The data will be useful for provinces and national-level program staff within the National Department of Health to establish benchmarks and targets in the Five-year Strategic Implementation Plans to be developed to support implementation of this Plan. Additionally, this Volume will serve as a reference manual for all health sector stakeholders.
Original file: 77 MB
(Published with Decision No. 3003/QðBYT dated 19/8/2009 of the Minister of Health)
Overcoming Barriers to TB Control
Training Curriculum
August 2011
A toolkit to equip young people with the skills to become powerful advocates for Youth Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (YSRH&R)
Accessed: 17.11.2019
Translating Community Research Into Global Policy Reform For National Action: A Checklist For Community Engagement To Implement The WHO Consolidated Guideline On The Sexual And Reproductive Health And Rights Of Women Living With HIV
3rd edition | December 2018
Lessons and best practices in empowering pastoralist communities to prevent HIV infection and reduce the impact of AIDS in Ethiopia. Briefing Paper