Apr 18th, 2020
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Reporting Period: 4 to 10 April 2020
• In collaboration with the Ministry of Youth, UNICEF started training 50 young bloggers on how to identify and respond to fake news.
• UNICEF engaged with 97 social services to enable front-line social workers to carry out community prevention work and... case management.
• With support from UNICEF, the nationwide distance learning program, “Mon école à la maison” was officially launched on TV, Radio, WebTV in addition to the free of charge SMS-based learning system.
April 2020
This Guidance Note offers a list of recommendations based on a combination of WHO guidelines, good practice and expert advice based on the latest scientific research. The situation with COVID-19 is evolving rapidly and the guidance will continue to be updated if and when new evidence o...r information becomes available.
SOP number: ICMR-NIV/2019-nCoV/Specimens_01
Prepared by: Dr. Y.K. Gurav Reviewed by: Dr. V. Potdar Approved by: Dr. P. Abraham
Date: 19/01/2020 Date: 20/01/2020 Date: 20/01/2020
Productive and Inclusive Cities for an Emerging Democratic Republic of Congo
Version dated April 1st, 2020.
The flow of migrants and refugees from Venezuela constitutes the largest mobilization of people in the history of Latin America. By March 2020, more than 4.9 million Venezuelans have left their country and from these, more than 4.1 million have been mobilized to count...ries in Latin America and the Caribbean. The motives for this mobilization are diverse, but those related to health care issues stand out, among which is the condition of living with HIV/AIDS. In the situation of demand for medical care that COVID-19 has generated, it is much more difficult to receive attention for people who are not included in the health systems of countries that are recipient due to the limitations that their migratory status may impose.
This second edition of the “living paper” contributes to the global knowledge on how countries are responding to the pandemic by documenting real-time actions in a key area of response – that is, social protection measures planned or implemented by governments.
For the purpose of this revie...w, we organized interventions by social assistance, social insurance and labor market programs. For the latter measures, we deliberately focused on supply-side programs (e.g., mostly wage subsidies and other activation programs). In most cases, data sources include official information published in government websites, while in many cases we reported information from global and national news outlets. In some cases, information was provided directly by country-based experts, while the full database was validated and integrated by regional and country social protection teams at the World Bank. Overall, findings should be considered preliminary and interpreted with caution.
Jin et al. Military Medical Research (2020) 7:4 https://doi.org/10.1186/s40779-020-0233-6
Position Article und Guideline
Временное руководство
6 апреля 2020 г.
В настоящем документе кратко изложены рекомендации ВОЗ по рациональному использованию средств индивидуальной защиты (СИЗ) в... медицинских учреждениях и при оказании помощи на дому, а также при обработке грузов; в нем также дана оценка текущего нарушения глобальной цепочки поставок и приведены соображения для принятия решений в ситуации острой нехватки СИЗ.
New Modules
Accessed: 09.03.2020
Consolidated guidelines on the use of antiretroviral drugs for treating and preventing HIV infection
Accessed: 26.02.2020
Bulletin of the World Health Organization; Type: Perspectives
Article ID: BLT.19.24843
Guidance for addressing a global infodemic and fostering demand for immunization
December 2020
Misinformation threatens the success of vaccination programs across the world. This guide aims to help organizations to address the global infodemic through the development of strategic and well-coordina...ted national action plans to rapidly counter vaccine misinformation and build demand for vaccination that are informed by social listening.