فيروس كورونا المستجد التعامل مع القلق خلال تفشي
این مجموعه ویژه شامل مرورهای کاکرین در موضوعات زیر است: دارو، پشتیبانی رفتاری، و ترک تدریجی. مداخلاتی که عمل سیگار کشیدن را تقلید میکنند، بهویژه سیگارهای الکترون...یکی، بهعلت اینکه خطر مرتبط با استفاده از آنها در همهگیری اخیر واضح نیست؛ از این مجموعه خارج شدهاند. گروه اعتیاد به دخانیات کاکرین در حال کار هستند تا همه اطلاعات مرتبط را به منظور ارائه پشتیبانی به افرادی که در این زمان سخت در تلاش برای ترک سیگار هستند؛ بهروز نگهدارند.
CDC Afrique est préoccupé par les informations inexactes distribués par les médias traditionnels et sociaux en ce qui concerne la prévention et le traitement des maladies nouvelles coronavirus (Covid-19).
Sur la base d’un examen des preuves et de l’évaluation d’experts, le CDC Afrique r...ecommande
This document is a guide for national authorities who are responsible for managing public health responses to COVID-19
Efficient triage of patients with COVID-19 at all health facility levels (primary, secondary and tertiary) will help the national response planning and case management system cope with patient influx, direct necessary medical resources to efficiently support the critically ill and protect the safety... of health-care workers. The objective of this algorithm is to give overall guidance for the triage and referral of symptomatic COVID-19 patients. Intended for use by ministries of health, hospital administrators and health workers involved in response planning for COVID-19 and/or patient triage, management and referral, this algorithm provides a general framework to be adapted to local health systems in countries.
In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, this guidance provides information on infection and prevention control (IPC) for older people, their friends and families, carers, and healthcare providers. Anyone who manages, works, volunteers or provides care at any type of facilities where older people recei...ve care at (long-term care facilities, non-acute care facilities, and home care services), should practice strict IPC to prevent and control COVID-19 outbreaks. It has been observed in different countries that older people have higher case-fatality rate compared to other age groups. Therefore, it is especially important to implement and follow IPC measures at facilities, homes, and other venues that older people frequent.
Accessed: 01.05.2020
El 11 de marzo de 2020 la OMS (Organización Mundial de la salud) ha declarado el CORONAVIRUS - COVID 19 como una pandemia mundial después que el número de afectados fuera de China se haya multiplicado por 13 en dos semanas y el de los demás países se haya triplicado en e...ste mismo periodo
El 26/02/2020 se ha identificado el primer caso de coronavirus en Colombia de una paciente de 19 años proveniente de Milán, Italia y desde la fecha hasta hoy el número de casos se ha multiplicado exponencialmente en el país.
The Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) is concerned about inaccurate information being distributed through traditional and social media regarding prevention and treatment of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
O Centro Africano de Prevenção e Luta contra Doenças (CDC-África) está preocupado com a divulgação de informações incorrectas através de meios de comunicação tradicionais e sociais sobre a prevenção e o tratamento de nova doença de coronavírus (COVID-19).
This guidance document addresses how physical distancing (referred to in previous guidance documents as ‘social distancing’) can help slow down transmission.
The Venezuelan refugee and migrant crisis is one of the biggest external displacement crises in the world today. The COVID-19 pandemic has compounded an already desperate situation for many refugees and migrants, as well as their hosts, sorely testing health and social welfare systems and the abilit...y of countries to assist the vulnerable population.