Recommendations to develop guidelines on community-based rehabilitation (CBR) were made during the International Consultation to Review Community-based Rehabilitation which was held in Helsinki, Finland in 2003. WHO; the International Labour Organization; the United Nations Educational, Scientific ...and Cultural Organization; and the International Disability and Development Consortium – notably CBM, Handicap International, the Italian Association Amici di Raoul Follereau, Light for the World, the Norwegian Association of Disabled and Sightsavers – have worked closely together to develop the Community-based rehabilitation guidelines. More than 180 individuals and representatives of nearly 300 organizations, mostly from low-income and middle-income countries around the world, have been involved in their development.
Основна мета підготовки цієї монографії – ознайомити українське суспільство з рівнем поширення серед підлітків тютюнокуріння, вживання алкоголю, наркотичних ре...овин та вирізнити тенденції останніх кількох років. Соціологічні опитування є практично єдиним джерелом такої інформації, оскільки жодні статистичні показники не відображають поведінкових практик будьяких груп населення, не дають можливості виміру поширення шкідливих звичок, кількості та асортименту повсякденного вживання тютюну, алкоголю та інших психоактивних речовин.
A step towards implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) related to personal mobility.
Refugees1 with disabilities have specific needs and face particular forms of discrimination. As highlighted in the Executive Committee Conclusion No. 110 (LXI)–2010, it is important for UNHCR to ensure that the rights of persons with disabilities who are of concern to the Office are met without di...scrimination. This places an onus on offices to develop a thorough
understanding of the circumstances of persons with disabilities under their care. This note provides staff with guidance on a range of issues to consider in meeting these responsibilities.
A summary of the national drug situation
La résistance aux antimicrobiens (ou RAM, cette abréviation étant est ici également employée en mode adjectif pour désigner les organismes « résistants aux antimicrobiens ») est une préoccupation majeure pour la santé publique mondiale et une question de sécurité san...itaire des aliments. Lorsque des pathogènes deviennent résistants aux agents antimicrobiens, ils peuvent présenter un risque plus important pour la santé découlant d’un éventuel échec thérapeutique, de la diminution de choix thérapeutiques et de la probabilité accrue d’apparition et de gravité de la maladie. Les problèmes en rapport avec la RAM sont liés de façon inhérente à l’usage des antimicrobiens dans tous les types d’environnements, y compris les utilisations humaines et non humaines. L'utilisation d’agents antimicrobiens dans la production alimentaire animale et végétale représente un facteur de risque important pour la sélection et la transmission de micro-organismes résistants aux antimicrobiens (micro-organismes RAM) et de déterminants de la résistance aux antimicrobiens (déterminants de la RAM) des animaux et des plantes alimentaires à l’humain par sa consommation d’aliments.
This survey is part of a series of eight country surveys conducted in the context of the People that Deliver Initiative ( This global initiative, which brings together the world’s largest organizations, aims to improve health services performance through the professionalizat...ion of logistics managers.
What recommendations did the assessment produce?
• Developing guidelines and plans to further the process of SRH and Hiv integration.
• Training stakeholders at different levels of the health system on how to integrate activities.
• Establishing mechanisms for collaboration/coordinati...on on SRH and Hiv at different levels.
• Developing plans for SRH and Hiv integration that include: situation analysis; feasibility studies; assessment of needs for reorganizing and reorienting services towards better integration; necessary tools (e.g. job descriptions, work plans); and tools to evaluate service quality and user satisfaction in relation to integration.
The era of effective antibiotics is coming to a close. In just a few generations, many “miracle medicines”have been beaten into ineffectiveness by the bacteria they were intended to eradicate. Bacteria quickly adapt to the presence of antibacterial agents in order survive. The misuse of antibiotics,which is an international problem, only exacerbates the steady evolution of resistance. In August 2010, the journal Lancet Infectious Diseases posed the question "Is this the end of antibiotics?" documentingthe rapid spread of multidrug-resistant bacteriaand predicting that 10 years remain in the useful life of many agents.
The disease burden caused by poor water, sanitation and hygiene is significant. For instance, soil transmitted helminthes (hookworm, roundworm, ringworm) infest approximately two billion people. Shistosomiasis infects and debilitates 200 million people. Trachoma, a disease related to poor sanitation... and hygiene which can cause blindness, infects five million people. However, the most serious health impact of poor WASH is diarrheal disease, particularly on children.